Szeretnék egy angol levelet írni, hogy van? (már van benne pár dolog, amit lefordítottam)
Kedves Lea!
Én is hasonló borzalmakon mentem keresztül, mint te, ugyan abban az időben.. És én beléd kapaszkodtam. Azt mondtam magamban, ha ő fel tud állni, akkor én is… A „Cannonball” zeneszámod nagy erőt adott nekem és „And now I will start living today, I close the door, I got this new beginning and I’ll fly like a cannonball.” Sok erőt kívánok neked.
xoxo, Dius
(in Hungary)

dear lea
I went through all the same difficulties at the same time you did. YOu stood there for me as an example. I said to myself: if she can stand up and start again I can do it, too.
Your song cccccccccccccccccc and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa game me power.
I wish you all the best, be strong!
Dear Lea,
I went through the same horrors as you at the same time. And I clung to you. I said to myself, if he can stand up, then I can... Your song "Cannonball" gave me great strength and "And now I will start living today, I close the door, I got this new beginning and I'll fly like a cannonball." I wish you a lot of strength.
xoxo, Dius
(in Hungary)
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