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Valaki átnézné? :D légyszives

Figyelt kérdés
I live in Nyárad.This is a small village in Slovakia near Gabcikovo and in district Dunajská Streda.The village was first recorded in 1468.Until the end of World War I ,it was part of Hungary.After the Treaty of Trianon of 1920,the village became officially part of Czechoslovakia.Total population in 2001 was 616 people.As of 2001,95,13 percent of its population was Hungarian while 4.55 prcent was Slovakian.Since 2010 the mayor is Miklós Dénes.Nyárad´s area is 10,45 km2.In the village are lot of monument.Village has a church,which builded 83 years ago.In the church´s garden is a monument of Szűz Mária,which builded Sebő Ferenc.Preference is a fresh air and silence.Village´ disservice is a gossip.Lot of people are talking about other.Nyárad hasn´ got a shops,but has a school and a big and nice football field.Here lives very friendly people.I love my village and I wouldn t to live anywhere.

2013. nov. 9. 19:40
 1/3 anonim válasza:
This is a small village in Slovakia near Gabcikovo and in district of Dunajská Streda. The village was recorded first in 1468. After the Treaty of Trianon, in 1920, the village officially became part of Czechoslovakia. In the village there are a lot of monuments. The village has a chruch, which was builded 83 years ago. In the chruch's garden there is a monument of Szűz Mária, which was builded by Sebő Ferenc. The preference is the fresh air and silence. The village's disservice(itt lehet disadvantage is=hátrány)is the gossip. A lot of people are talking about others. Nyárad hasn't got any shops, but it has a school and a big, nice football field. I love my village and I wouldn't live elsewhere.
2013. nov. 10. 09:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Nagyon szépen köszönöm :) és a többi mondat rendben volt,amit nem tetszett leirnia/od?:)
2013. nov. 10. 12:01
 3/3 anonim válasza:
Nagyon szívesen! Igen, a többit helyesen írtad. :)
2013. nov. 10. 18:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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