Torpokos kérdése:
Valaki. jò angolos, kijavitanatok?
Figyelt kérdés
Studying English at home
The English language is one of the most popular and used languages in the world. I think that studying English at home is a good ideea because we can studying in a big comfort of ow home, and we can choose, when we want to study. In my opinion this choose is very cheaper because we musnt travelling to school every day. But is also if we studying at home are more disandvantages ex: no discipline of having to study at a certain time each week, and no corection of my pronunciation, because if we are in the school and said something wrong the teacher corrects our answer, but here no is (lehetõség)
..s akkor ide kellene egy Although....csak nem tudom hogy lehetne befejezni...?
2013. nov. 6. 18:24
1/2 anonim 


The English language is one of the most popular and most used languages in the world. I think that studying English at home is a good idea because we can study in the comfort of our home, and we can choose when we want to study. In my opinion this option is much cheaper because we don't have to travel to school every day. But also if we study at home there are more disandvantages ex.: no discipline of having to study at a certain time each week, and no correction of my pronunciation, because if we are in the school and say something wrong the teacher corrects our answer, but here nobody does.
2/2 anonim 


The English language is one of the most popular and most used language in the world. I think that studying English at home is a good idea because we can study in the comfort of our home, and we can choose when we want to study. In my opinion this option is much cheaper because we don't have to travel to school every day. But also if we study at home there are more disandvantages ex.: no discipline of having to study at a certain time each week, and no correction of our pronunciation, because if we are in the school and say something wrong the teacher corrects our answer, but there is no possibility to speak much in English, because the number of the classmates is always high, altough this is one of the best way to study English.
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