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Angol email, átnéznétek formai/nyelvtani hibákért?

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A hely neve ki van X-ve, ez egy iskola neve.

Örülnék ha átnéznétek helyesírási hibákért, estleg ha tudtok egy spécibb/formálisabb kifejezést stb.

Dear X,

I'm a Hungarian who currently goes to a hungarian school, but previously I've gone to an international school in Geneva. I go to 9th grade and am a 15-year old girl.

However, I plan on attendeing university in a foreign country such as the Great Britain, and when I heard about the IB programme, I decided to apply for it, as I think it would open up whole new opportunities and give a high level of knowledge as well as social skills.

For that reason, I ask you to help me. I want to apply for English literature in Group One, and therefore pass the entrance exams in that subject. I already have a level of knowledge about English literature which I learnt on my own as well as having read several contemporary books in English, but in order to deepen my level of knowledge and successfully pass the entrance exams, I would like to ask if you could please e-mail me the list of textbooks/workbooks etc. that students in X learn from in grades 7 and up. That way, I can study from those books and hopefully succeed in passing the entrance exams next year.

Thank you for the help, I hope to hear from you soon!

Sincerely, ____

2013. máj. 28. 20:23
 1/2 Krisipoke válasza:

Dear X,

I'm a Hungarian student who currently goes to a Hungarian school, but previously I've gone to an international school in Geneva. I'm a 9th grader and am a 15-year old girl.

However, I plan on attending university in a foreign country such as Great Britain, and when I heard about the IB programme, I decided to apply for it, as I think it would open up whole new opportunities and give a high level of knowledge as well as social skills.

For that reason, I ask you to help me. I want to apply for English literature in Group One, and therefore pass the entrance exams in that subject. I already have a level of knowledge about English literature which I have learnt on my own as well as having read several contemporary books in English, but in order to deepen my level of knowledge and successfully pass the entrance exams, I would like to ask if you could please e-mail me the list of textbooks/workbooks etc. that students in X learn from in grades 7 and up. That way, I can study from those books and hopefully succeed in passing the entrance exams next year.

Thank you for the help, I hope to hear from you soon!

Sincerely, ____

2013. máj. 29. 17:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 Krisipoke válasza:
Még annyi, hogy kicsit furán jön ki a Great Britain-es rész, mivel azt mondod, hogy egy idegen országban szeretnél tanulni, pl. Nagy Britanniában. Ugye ezzel csak aza gond, hogy az nem egy ország. :) Azt még ki lehetne cserélni United Kingdom-mel, vagy a megfogalmazást olyanra, hogy "Magyarországon kívül".
2013. máj. 29. 17:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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