Angol információ kérő levél. Milyennek vélitek?
Egy szórakoztató elektronikai cég vezetőjeként kell érdeklődnöm és megrendelni CD lejátszókat nyelvtanulók számára: árajánlatot kérni, fizetési feltételekről érdeklődni, árengedményt kérni, kiszállítás ütemezése.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing with regard to the CD player.
I saw your advertisement in HVG on Monday and I would like to enquire about the special CD players. Our company has dealt with audio tool sales for language learners for 20 years, so I would like to order 10 special CD players which contain headphone and supports the MP3, OGG, WMA formats. Firstly, could you send me price quotations about 10 CD players? It is very urgent for us, because the CD players have already run out from the store for 3 day. Moreover, could you deliver the CD players for Friday? Furthermore, I would like to enquire about your terms of payment. Could I pay for installments? I have already ordered from you six times therefore could I buy the players for discount prices?
I look forward to your early reply because I would like to order the players at the earliest possible moment.
Yours faithfully,

Our company has been dealing with...
sales to language learners
CD players that contain
with headphones
could you send me quotation for 10 CD players
the CD players have already run out from the store for 3 day. - itt nem értem, pontosan mit szeretnél
deliver the CD players by Friday (péntekig)/ on Friday (pénteken)
buy at discount prices
inkább at the earliest possible time
Ezek csak a főbb hibák, lehet hogy még van, annyira nem néztem át.
the CD players have already run out from the store for 3 day.
Már 3 napja elfogytak a CD lejátszók a raktárból

Ejnye :D
Ha 3 napja elfogytak, akkor az nem azt jelenti, hogy 3 napon át, hanem h 3 nappal ezelőtt: 3 days ago
The store (already) ran out of cd players 3 days ago
the CD players already ran out of the store 3 day ago.
Ez így helyes?

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