Nyelvvizsgán angol levél íráshoz (állásra jelentkezés, információ kérő levél, panasz levél) érdemes betanulni és alkalmazni formaleveleket, mondatokat?
Arra gondolok például, hogy állásra jelentkezős levélnél van egy ilyen mondat:
I have seen your advertisment for a [pozíció neve] in [hogy hol láttam, melyik újságban] and wish to apply for this job.
Stb, stb.
Érdemes ilyenekből sokat beleírni a levélbe?
ezek nagyon jol hasznosithatoak a vizsgan, csak tudd pontosan, hogy hogy kell hasznalni es pontosan mit is jelent. Lehet, hogy elesben nem epp ezeket kell irni, de alapnak jo.
En mindenkepp megtanulnam, es amikor en nyelvvizsgaztam meg is tanultam nehany hangzatos kifejezest.
Attól lesz valamennyire "gördülékeny" a szöveg
Nagyon hasznos ilyen fordulatokat betanulni
Inkább "típusmondatokat" érdemes betanulni
Nem egész szöveget (amit nem is lehet)
Csak pesrze helyesen kell megtanulni őket
Mert ha (vizsgán) elírod, akkor vaskos pontokat
vonhatnak le érte
"I wish to apply for the post of Hotel Manager (au pair)you advertised in today's HVG. I think I am competent enough to meet the requirements you have specified.'
"Please consider me an applicant for the post of.."
(Szeretném a következő állást megpályázni)
"I should greatly appreciate an early reply"
(Örömmel venném mielőbbi válaszát)
"I thank you in advance for your reply"
(Előre is köszönöm a válaszát)
"We look forward to receivibg a positive answer from you"
(Várjuk kedvező válaszát)
Panaszlevél pl.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you to enquire about some pieces of clothing which were lost in your hotel laundry service.
I was staying at the .. Hotel from 2nd January to 10th January. Two days before my leave I gave my laundry to the valet. When it was returned two days later I discovered that all my underpants were missing. There were four of them, two plain and two striped.
Apart from the fact that I had to go and purchase some new ones, which I had not counted on financially, I discovered something else to worry about.
A ahirt which had also been laundered had lost its colour.
The valet, to whom I complained, said that the underpants and a new shirt were forwarded to my home address.
It all happened more than two weeks ago and I have
not received anything yet. I am shocked that a three-star hotel should handle this case in such an unhelpful manner.
I would also like to mention the question of compensation for the items which were either lost or
ruined. They were all brand-new pieces and cost me about twenty pounds. I hope you will understand my claim and act accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Nagy
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