Angolul tudók! Segítség kéne több info lent?

Az a gond hogy nem csak a helyesírással van probléma hanem az angolsággal is
A végén nem tiszta hogy mit akartál pontosan írni...

Üsse kavics megcsináltam... remélem jó is lett...
DDK Freestyle Skating was established in January 20, 2013. with 3 members: Dénes, Dani, and Krisztián. The name DDK is short for the initials of these names. Tomi joined the team later. The team has own t-shirts (see gallery) that was made by Dénes. Everyone has a t-shirt with the exception of Tomi since he joined us later but new ones are under preparation. Our greatest video shooting was on Budapest ‘s ice rink where people were very nice. Most of the videos were shot on Komarnos’s ice rink. After the close of Komarno’s ice rink, we shot our last video of this season on Nové Zámky’s indoor ice rink 29km far from Komarno. By this time Nové Zámky’s ice rink is closed as well so we needed to be looking for another place where open ice rink can be found. This place is Batislava the capital city of Slovakia ca. 100km far from Komarno. The ice rink is located in Avion shopping mall next to Bratislava’s airport.
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