Ki tud jól angolul, aki segítene is?
Figyelt kérdés
Fogalmazást kéne írnom egy kedvenc helységről a házban, (ami persze a szobám lenne). Segítene valaki? Ti mit írnátok a szobátokról? Persze angolul. Előre is köszi!2013. jan. 26. 20:13
1/5 anonim 


My room is my one and only domain where I carry out various leisure activities such as studying, watching films and television, listen to music, talk on the phone, surf the internet, etc. My room is painted all pink; also, most of the things in my room are all pink. As someone enters my room, the first thing that he or she will see is a cream dresser with a stylish design coated on it. In it, lie all my clothes and personal belongings. Then on the other side of my room, a black plasma television resided on the wall which I enjoy watching my favorite movies, and television shows. Opposite of that, is my full size bed which has pink covers. Also right behind it is the room window, which has sparkly and pink curtains. Next to my bed I have a nightstand where my stereo is on top of it; also on one of the drawers I have my favorite book. On the wall next to my bed, I have a huge sign that says "PRINCESS", and around it are pictures from my sweet fifteen. Across from my bed I have my studying and relaxing area where I have a pink desk with my laptop and printer. Right next to it I have a beanbag chair with reading books around it, and that's where I relax, read, and study. Then I have a walk-in closet where I have lots of shoes, clothes, school supplies, and personal belongings. My room is my absolute favorite room in the house, that's where I study and relax. I enjoy my room, and I enjoy doing pretty much anything as long as it's in my room!
2/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszi! Sokat segítettél, de megkérhetnélek, hogy a pontos fordítást is küldd el?
2013. jan. 26. 21:13
3/5 anonim 


Nem, sajnos valamennyit neked is dolgoznod kell ebben a házi feladatban.
4/5 anonim 


kedves kerdezo. Inkabb csokolj kezet a valaszolonak, hogy ilyen szep fogalmazast irt neked HELYETTED. Nem forditasert kellene konyorogni, hanem inkabb hajbokolni elotte.
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