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Sürgős! Angol szöveg javítása?

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Jók az alábbi mondatok? Illik ez a fogalmazás erre a címre: The effect of the mass media on teenagers?

The mass media is an important part of our life, it is everywhere: on the internet, in the radio, the newspapers, on the TV’s screen … The media surroundes us, and it’s effect is very big in he world. There are arguments against and for the media.

The media has a huge effect on the impressionable minds of teenagers. Teenagers today depend on the media for information on everything and long been thought to have a big effect on an adolescent’s values and behaviors. Media makes the teenegers lives easier, and allows effective spending our free time. Another positive effects, is that mass media keeps people informed of any recent events within a short amount of time. Moreover, mass media allows that individuals can voice their views in various issues and share information with their friends. The presentation of famous sportsmen’s and scientists life in the media can serve a positive example and motivation for teens.

The mass media can has a lot of dangerous influences. The repeated viewing of violence in the films and in video games increase violence and aggression in adolescents. The mass media increases the propensity towards other negative health behaviors as well. Advertising and movies show that bad habits are "cool". The studys shows that images of drinking and smoking in movies has an effect on early-onset teenage drinking and smoking. Constant pressure to mass media can destroy body image among adolescents females, watching the most media idealizing thin body types. They look in the magazines, and they see a pretty person that looks good, skinny, and rich and they want to be this person. This often leads to health problems like bulimia and anorexia.

The family, school, and teachers must help them and they should show them the right way to go among the lot informations.

2012. nov. 28. 19:04
 1/1 anonim válasza:

A szöveg teljesen illik a témádhoz :)

Viszont van benne néhány hiba..

Teenagers today depend on the media for information on everything and has been thought to have a big effect on an adolescent’s values and behaviors. Media makes the lives of teenegers easier, and allows an effective way to spend our free time. Another positive effect,that mass media keeps people informed with recent events within a short amount of time. Moreover, mass media allows that individuals can express their views in various issues and share information with their friends. The presentation of famous sportsmen and scientists life in the media can serve as a positive example and motivation for teens.

The mass media can have a lot of dangerous influences. The amount of violence in the films and in video games increase violence and aggression in adolescents. The mass media increases the propensity towards other negative health behaviors as well. Constant pressure from mass media can destroy the body image among adolescents females, by the image of being skinny shown by the media. They look in the magazines, and they see a pretty person that looks good, skinny, and rich and they want to be this person. This often leads to health problems like bulimia and anorexia.

The family, school, and teachers must help them and they should show them the right way to go among these informations.

2012. dec. 3. 09:24
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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