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Van ebben a szövegben hiba? Angol

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Sziasztok, van itt perfekt angolos, aki lenne olyan szíves kijavítani a hibáimat?

Köszönöm szépen :)))

I was working on family occasions, like birthdays, weddings as a waitress. I was doing the inventory, we had to count all items on shelfs. I want to work az camp int the kitchen, becouse I like cooking.

Now I am studying economics at XY University in XY. After leaving school I want to study bookkeeping and I want to work.

In my freetime I like reading books. My favourite is Gone with the wind from Margaret Mitchel. I like watching movies, serials. I like playing with my dog. I like travelling.

Sometimes my neighbours ask me to take care of their children. We are playing with dolls, I read them storys.

I was on a trip with my family. Once in Greece, once in Croatia. We were there for a week. I was miss home, but the week spent very fast. Every year we go to shortest trips to Hungary, we visit Budapest, Balaton, Sopron.

I am proud to my family.

To my postive properties belong that I am hardworking, I can work with someone, I am friendly, I am ambitious.

To my negative properties belongs, thath at exams I start to study late, sometimes I am stressing at school, I am a neat freak, I am sensitive when I am watching Titanic, It is hard to me to forgive.

I want to finish the university, and I want to study bookkeeping or low, I want to find a good job, I want to have family, children.

2012. nov. 8. 21:44
 1/9 anonim ***** válasza:

I was working on family occasions, like birthdays, weddings as a waitress. I was doing the inventory, we had to count all items on shelves. I want to work at camp in the kitchen, because I like cooking.

Now I am studying economics at XY University in XY. After leaving school I want to study bookkeeping and I want to work.

In my free time I like reading books. My favourite is Gone with the wind from Margaret Mitchel. I like watching movies, serials. I like playing with my dog. I like traveling.

Sometimes my neighbours ask me to take care of their children. We are playing with dolls, I read them stories.

I was on a trip with my family. Once in Greece, once in Croatia. We were there for a week. I missed home, but the week went very fast. Every year we go to short trips in Hungary, we visit Budapest, Balaton, Sopron.

I am proud of my family.

My positive talents include being hard working, working well with others, friendly and ambitious. My negative talents include studying late for exams, stressing at school, being a neat freak, being too sensitive when I am watching Titanic. I want to finish the university, and I want to study bookkeeping or low (mi ez a low? Mit akarsz tanulni?), I want to find a good job, I want to have family, children.

2012. nov. 8. 22:33
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/9 anonim ***** válasza:

all OF THE items on THE shelves

a sorozat meg nem serials, hanem series

nem We were there, hanem we have been there

nem we go to short trips, hanem we go on short trips

I have many positive QUALITIES like being hard, cooperating well with the others, BEING friendly and ambitious.

Bocs közben már marha álmos vagyok, a negatív tulajdonságok sincsenek épp a legjobban megfogalmazva. Hozzátenném az első jó nagyon baromságokat írt néhol és az övét javítottam.

2012. nov. 9. 02:41
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/9 A kérdező kommentje:
2012. nov. 9. 19:44
 4/9 anonim ***** válasza:


I missed home, but the week went by very fast.

I am proud of my family.

As for bad side: I start to study late for exams, sometimes I stress at school, I am a neat freak, I am being sensitive while watching Titanic, it's hard for me to forgive. (asszem az első talán még jobban leírta ezt a részt, már nem emlékszem:)

I want to finish university and study bookkeeping or law (ha jogra gondolsz).

De már biztos nem is kell, no nem baj.

2012. nov. 10. 02:47
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/9 anonim ***** válasza:

Nem irtam marhasagokat, mindossze kinyitottam a szoveget angol nyelvu word-ben es a helyesirasi hibakat kijavitottam, a fogalmazasba nagyon nem is mentem bele.

Ja, es we play with dolls (mert altalanossagban beszelsz es nem eppen most), es igen, a go ON short trips-et beneztem :)

2012. nov. 10. 07:47
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Worddel úristen... Az a program se magyarul nem tud, se angolul...
2012. nov. 10. 08:28
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/9 anonim ***** válasza:

Ja, és: Now I study economics at XY Un...

Ez kimaradt.

2012. nov. 10. 17:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 8/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Worddel úristen... - teny hogy az enyem magyarul nem tud, de nem is kell neki, hiszen kulfoldon elek, angol nyelvteruleten, es a jogi es penzugyi munkam soran a word tokeletesen javitja a helyesirasi hibakat, sot neha meg a nyelvtanba is besegit :)
2012. nov. 13. 06:25
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 9/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Láthatóan valóban nagyon sokat ér....
2012. nov. 13. 08:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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