Hogy fordítjuk angolra ezt a mondatot: Foglalkozás tartása az óvodában?

Azok a szavak, amelyek a tarsadalomra jellemzoek valamelyik europai civilizacioban, sokszor az angliai (ezert amerikai) civilizacioban nem teljesen talalhatoak meg... (Leforditottam megis... :-) with some pain.)
Ovoda (or German Kindergarten) as a term of particular European civilisations (pre-school leveles of education) is a hard nut to crack whenever you try to put ideas about babies and youngsters into English. I'm trying to crack this nut in four minutes...
1 Foglalkozas -> taking sessions (< plural) if it is a regular activity, and I believe that it is (but if non-regular: taking a/one session).
2-5 Nursery and nursery school:
2 A nursery = a ~ is an institution (for pre-school education) where young children (between 2 and 3 or 4 (or perhaps 5) - where children play and are looked after while parents are in their office.
3 - US English borrowed the German word, kindergarten (in small letters, of course) for this institution.
4 - Creche (actually borrowed from French) = an institution where babies are looked after while mothers are at work (mainly for 2 and 3-year-old children). This can also translate your ovoda, by all means! (Since we do not know what the content of the sessions are, any translation is to be considered).
5 In the US, a creche means a crib, i. e. a model in a church at Christmans, representing the birth of Jesus Christ
6 Playgroup / playschool = a group of children below school age (6 or 7) meeting regularly and playing together under the supervision of adults.
7 A nursery school is, however, an institution for children aged from 3 (at times: 2) to 5 (the age group is 2 to 5) where some teachers specially trained in educating this age group work and teach various subjects playfully, like German or English in Hungary, carving, painting, music are also targeted activities. This also translates your ovoda.
Tehat az elso fordito egyszerubb vilagba forditott. And worlds and societies in Europe are complex -:)
(Sessions - anyway; or a session.)
All told,
a forditasom akkor igy szol - Then my translation is as follows:
Taking sessions (not regular: a session) in the
nursery / creche / playgroup / playschool / nursery school.
(It is either a nursery or a nursery school - or perhaps still a creche or a playgroup... - you should get to know the exact Hungarian institution!)
Extra notes:
Some related words that you would/might mix up with these nursery-related ones:
a) a playground = 1) an area of land (usu. in school premises) where children play -
2) also: an area where people often go for a holiday (it's become the businessmen's playground in Hawaii today)
b) a playhouse = is 1) a model house which is large enough for a child to play in
or 2) a theatre
c) a plaything = is 1) a toy
2) a man/woman treated as an unimportant object of amusement by some others.
d) playmate ... in gentlemen's magazine
A native speaker (a playboy) of English has provided you with this answer above. If in doubt (about any play- and child-related, school-related ideas/notions in English (even worse: in various dialects of English: British, Australian... Canadian...), send me some private message. Be as bold as to ask me about any ideas you wish to cram into an important English telephone conversation or letter that you are going to make/write ... :-)
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