Milyen prepozíciók lehetnek az üres helyeken?
He was so tired that he fell asleep ..... the film.
We were so angry that we did not speak ..... lunchtime.
We often have a short holiday ..... Christmas.
We always go on a short holiday ..... the beginning of January.
I normally get paid ..... the end of the month.
We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up ..... the end and went home on foot.

He was so tired that he fell asleep DURING the film.
We were so angry that we did not speak AT lunchtime.
We often have a short holiday AT Christmas.
We always go on a short holiday IN the beginning of January.
I normally get paid AT the end of the month.
We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up AT the end and went home on foot.

We always go on a short holiday at the beginning of January.
We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up in the end and went home on foot.
In the beginning usually means initially. (kezdetben, eleinte)
In the end usually means finally. (végül, végül is)
At the beginning and at the end are usually followed by an expression of time or space. So we have at the end of the street/the day; at the beginning of the month/the motorway.
Akkor itt melyik a jó?
At/In the beginning of the movie there is lush garden with apple and orange trees.

a fenyő se érti ezt, ymcolah, olyan, mintha ketten lennél: egy, aki kiválóbbnál is kiválóbban műveli a nyelvet, és egy, aki képes a legalapvetőbb dolgokra is rákérdezni...
nem tudom, volt-e kedved végigolvasni az hozzászólásomat
ottan vagyon:
- in the beginning jelentése kezdetben, eleinte (látsz utána "of"-ot?)
- az "at the beginning" és az "at the end" kifejezést idő- vagy helyhatározó követi... tehát azt mondjuk, hogy "at the end OF the street/day" vagy "at the beginning OF the month/motorway"
én ezek után azt mondanám, hogy At the beginning of the movie...
a film kezdetén/elején ezt meg azt látunk
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