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Aki jól tud angolul az tudna segíteni nekem?

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Tudna valaki egy rövid, összefüggő szöveget írni egy Magyarországi nemzeti parkról alapfokon?Nagyon megköszönném!:) +ez a 3 mondat hogy van angolul? 1.a kedvenc hobbim a film gyűjtés 2.azok nehéz tantárgyak 3.nekem azok tetszenek

2012. jún. 7. 06:23
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Hortobágy National Park

Hortobágy is the largest continuous natural grassland in Europe. It is located on the eastern part of the Hungarian Plains, the Alföld, and it was established in 1973 as the country’s largest protected area. Hortobágy has outstanding natural features, maintaining great biological diversity in respect of species and habitats. It is a unique example of the harmonious coexistence of people and nature based on the careful use of the land.

2012. jún. 7. 06:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:
A major part of the area of the National Park is formed by natural habitats: alkaline grasslands interrupted by marshes. There are artificial wetlands too, which cover a much smaller area. These are of considerable importance, because they are the fishponds. Artificial wetlands were created during the last century on the worst quality grazing-lands and marshes. The marshes and fishponds are bird nesting habitats and migration sites of European significance. One of the the most spectacular sights of the Park is the cranes' autumn migration.
2012. jún. 7. 06:32
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Bükk National Park

3The Bükk National Park was established in 1977. It preserves the natural flora, fauna and the cultural values of the Bükk Mountains. The area of the park is 43,200 hectares from which 97 % is covered with forests.There are several unique and rare wildlife species in the mountains and more than 900 caves are known. In 1989 the UNESCO recorded Hollokö village, situated within the boundaries of the Hollokö Protected Landscape Area, among the World Heritage Sites.

2012. jún. 7. 06:32
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:

My favourite hobby is film collecting.

Those are difficult subjects but I like them.

2012. jún. 7. 06:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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köszönöm szépen
2012. jún. 7. 22:25

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