Helyesek az alábbi mondatok? (angol)
My sonntag
I usually gets or before 7 o'clock.
I getdress and have a shower at 7.30 o'clock.
I harly ever cook breakfast at 7.50 o'clock.
I usually have a breakfast at 8 o'clock.
The familye always go to the churc at 9 o'clock.
We simetems visit to grandparents at 11 o'clock.
After visit we go to home.
I simetimes cook lunch at 12 o'clock.
We ofen have a lunch at 13 o'clock.
After lanch, I study English, German, lieratra, grammar, religion, physics, maths, biology, chemistry, history and make home work.
I rest and listen to music.
I harlyever cycle in Nature.
I usually study PHP programing.
I usually have dinner at 8 o'clock.
I alvays watch film 9 o'clock.
I have a shower at 10 o'clock.
I go to sleep.

Atya Úr Isten.
Nem való neked az angol,ez biztos.:)
My agenda
I usually get up before 7 am.
I get dressed and have a shower at 7.30 am
?????????????????????????????hogy ide mit akartál írni,azt csak te tudod,mert ez egyáltalán nem stimmel.
I usually have breakfast at 8 am
My family always go to church at 9 am
We sometimes visit my grandparents at 11 am
After visiting them we go home.
Sometimes I cook lunch at noon
We ofen have lunch at 1 pm
After lunch, I learn English, German, Literature, Grammar, Religion, Physics, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, History and make homework.
I have a rest and listen to music.
I ????? cycle in Nature.
I usually study PHP programming.
I usually have dinner at 8 pm
I always watch a film at 9 pm
I have a shower at 10 pm
I go to bed.
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