Angol tétel, segítesz?

nehari,van elég gondom érettségivel, ezért magyarul írok pár szót, amiből már jobban eltudsz indulni.
írj a cv-ről (önéletrajz), írj a fizikai és a szellemi munkák közti különbségről. írj arról hogy sok a túlképzett ember akik diploma után sem találnak munkát stb stb.
elsőre ezek ugrottak be, remélem vmennyit segítek azért :)

The world of work can be tricky to navigate. Whether you're just starting out, moving up the career ladder or changing the rules to suit yourself, these options will improve your chances of success.
Landing that Job. Practical help getting the right job:
Job applications and interviews are like an audition. It's your chance to show that you're the right person for the role. It is also your chance to make sure the employer is right for you. Put all the pieces in place, and increase your chances of success.
Getting ready for work. Options for starting your working life:
Moving from school or study into the workforce can be a difficult step . Gain relevant skills through volunteering, work experience or undertaking career-specific education.
Or get your resume just right and apply, apply, apply.
Unemployment is an unavoidable fact of life.
The unemployment rate in Hungary was reported at 11.5 percent in January of 2011 to March of 2011 period. From 1999 until 2010, Hungary's unemployment rate averaged 7.13 percent reaching an historical high of 11.80 percent in March of 2010 and a record low of 5.50 percent in October of 2001.
The labour force is defined as the number of people employed plus the number unemployed but seeking work.
The nonlabour force includes those who are not looking for work, those who are institutionalised and those serving in the military.
A certain amount of unemployment is to be expected, but for those who are unemployed or are facing losing their jobs, life can be difficult.

Ez király. De kicsit gyanús volt hogy túlságosan jó ez a szöveg.
Ezért rágugliztam. és hát a válaszoló guglival szedte össze a szöveget, pl. innen:

Bocsi, lemaradt.
Gondolod kedves utolso, tuom az adatbazisokat Magyarorszag munkanelkulisegere? Sok aki ott el, az sem tudja, (meg nem erdekli).
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