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Ez így nagyon rossz? Mivel tudnám bővíteni?

Figyelt kérdés

Julius Caesar was born in hundread BC on the 13rd of July.

He was a Roman politican and general. Played an important role in the creation of Empire. Conqered Gaul, and was the first expendition led to Britain (both his own invitate). Commander was one of the greatest of all time and a great politician as well (due to the fact that he could deal with people fantastically).

Some people (including Brutus) killed him BC 44. on 15th of March.


2011. márc. 3. 19:13
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Hát van benne elég durva hibák.

Julius Caesar was born in hundread BC on the 13rd of July.

in BC 100 és különben hundred-nek irják

Played an important role in the creation of Empire.

He played, angolban nem lehet elhagyni névmás csak nagyon ritkán.

Conqered Gaul,

He conquered

and was the first expendition led to Britain

Expedition-nek írják és he led the first expedition.

(both his own invitate).

Nem értem mire gondolsz itt.

Commander was one of the greatest of all time and a great politician as well (due to the fact that he could deal with people fantastically).

Ez itt konkrétan azt jelenti, hogy Kommander volt a ....

He was one of the greatest commanders of all time and a great politician at that, too.

Some people (including Brutus) killed him BC 44. on 15th of Marc

Some people bár helyes, de magyarban sem mondanád, hogy egy pár ember/néhányan megölték. Inkább

He was killed on 15. March BC 44. Brutus was among the murderers.

Jelentése: Megölték őt ie. 44, március, 15-ödikén. Brutus a gyilkosai közt volt.

2011. márc. 3. 20:43
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm. Hát google-fordító volt.. Gondoltam, hogy rossz, javítgattam is rajta elég sokat, de aztán abbahagytam, és inkább kiírtam a fordítós verziót... :)
2011. márc. 4. 18:39

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