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Kijavítanátok amit angolul írtam?

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Our local hero

I live in a small, but beautiful village. In this settlement there are barely 5000 people, but even here there is a local and famous hero.

My best friend's father was a police officere in once. He is retired by now, but he is still a very respectable man widely in this countryside. You may ask why? Let'me tell this story in short terms.

Many-many years ago there was a terrible house fire. The house was almost empty, but there was in the building a pretty young girl alone because her parents were in work. The neighbours heard a frightening shout from the girl. They immediately have known she is a big danger because her voice. They have run to her as fast as they could, but they couldn't enter to house, because the entrance was blocked by fire. They called the firefighters instant, but the girl has too little time to waiting them. Fortunatelly, the police officer was patrolling in that way, when he saw the trouble. He had fetched a ladder and climbed through the window. So, he saved the girl before the firefighters arrived to put out the fires. This situation could have easily been a tragedy. After this the police officer was rewarded, he got an advancement and he baceame a honorary citizen as well. In this time, we are still very proud our local hero. Now, he works in the mayor office, as our leader.

2021. márc. 15. 18:01
 1/10 anonim ***** válasza:
Prepozíciók hiányoznak, amúgy nem vészes.
2021. márc. 15. 18:11
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/10 anonim ***** válasza:
Te #1, te nem jutottál be angol tagozatra?
2021. márc. 15. 18:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/10 anonim ***** válasza:

Nekem ezek tűntek fel első olvasásra:

"... was a police officere in once" - Gondolom itt azt akartad írni, hogy egyszer rendőr volt. Ez helyesen úgy van, hogy "... was once a police officer", vagy "... used to be a police officer".

"Let'me tell this story in short terms" - Itt a "Let me" közé nem kell az aposztróf és a végén az "in short terms" eléggé google fordítósan hangzik, ez a mondat jobb lenne úgy, hogy "Let me tell this short story"

"there was in the building" - Itt a szórend furcsa. Az "in the building" inkább legyen a there was előtt, vagy az alone után. A munkában meg nem "in work", hanem "at work", vagy csak simán "were working".

"They immediately have known" - itt az igeidő nem passzol, "They immediately knew" lesz helyesen. "They have run" helyett is "They ran" jobb lenne.

"They called the firefighters instant, but the girl has too little time to waiting them" - azonnal = instantly, a mondat második felében több nyelvtani hiba is van, helyesebben "the girl had too little time to wait for them"

"Fortunatelly, the police officer was patrolling in that way, when he saw the trouble" - "in that way" helyett jobb lenne mondjuk "nearby", "when" helyett meg inkább "so" kellene, mivel ok-okozat összefüggés van a két dolog közt (when-nel ez azt jelentené, hogy szerencsére a közelben volt a rendőr, amikor látta, hogy baj van).

2021. márc. 15. 18:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/10 anonim ***** válasza:

I live in a small but beautiful village. This village has a population of less than 5000 but even we have our own local hero.

My best friend's father used to be a police officer. He has retired by now but he's still very respected among the locals. You may ask why. Well, let me tell a short story about him.

Many many years ago there was a terrible house fire in the village. The owners were at work at the time, their young daughter was the only one at home. As soon as the neighbours heard her scream they knew she was in danger. They ran to the scene but they couldn't get to her because the entrance was blocked by the fire.

They called the firefighters immediately, but time was running out, the girl needed help and she needed it quickly. To her luck a police officer was patrolling in the area who saw what was happening. He brought a ladder and used it to climb into the house through the window and he managed to save the girl before the firefighters arrived at the scene. The situation could have easily become a tragedy if it wasn't for the police officer who was later rewarded for his bravery, got promoted and became an honorary citizen as well. He is our hero and we are still very proud of him to this day. Today he works in the mayor's office as our leader. [Ha ő a polgármester - nem volt számomra egyértelmű - akkor "Today he works as the mayor of our village"]

2021. márc. 15. 18:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/10 anonim ***** válasza:

Te #2

3. nyelvem az angol (magyaron kívül), de ahogy leírtam nem rossz a szöveg, nyílván vannak benne hibák (proud of, stb) és lehetne másképpen fogalamzni, szakszerűbb szavakkal (big danger) de nem diplomamunkának szánja szerintem az illető.

2021. márc. 15. 18:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/10 anonim ***** válasza:
Z #5, hát kérd vissza az összes tanárodtól az iskolapénzt. Mint látszik itt a két részletes hozzászólásból, gyakorlatilag minden mondatban van hiba.
2021. márc. 15. 19:01
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/10 anonim ***** válasza:
Nem az iskolában tanultam a nyelvet. Az egy dolog, hogy van benne hiba, de megértik, még ha furcsán is néztek volna.
2021. márc. 15. 19:05
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 8/10 anonim ***** válasza:
Akárkitől is tanultad...
2021. márc. 15. 19:15
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 9/10 anonim ***** válasza:

Our local hero

I live in a small but beautiful village. At this settlement, there are barely 5000 people living, but we do have a local and famous hero.

My best friend's father was a police officer once. He is retired now, but he is still very much respected at this countryside village. You may even ask why?

Let me tell you in a short story.

Many-many years ago, there was a terrible house fire. The house was almost empty, except for a pretty young girl being in there alone because her parents were at work. The neighbours heard a frightening scream from the girl. They immediately realised she is in danger because of her urgent shrieks. They ran to her as fast as they could, but they couldn't enter to house, because the entrance was blocked by fire. They called the firefighters in an instant, but there was no time to spare. Fortunately, a police officer was patrolling the streets when he saw the tragedy unfolding. He fetched a ladder and climbed through the window. He saved the girl before the firefighters arrived to put out the fires. This situation could have easily ended in tragedy. Following this, the police officer was rewarded, he received a promotion, and he became an honorary citizen of our city. At this time, we are still very proud of our local hero. Now, he is our Mayor, our leader.

2021. márc. 15. 21:40
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 10/10 anonim ***** válasza:

A gogalmazas cime nagy betukkel.

Our Local Hero

2021. márc. 16. 21:53
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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