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A "when" után mikor kell folyamatos jelent és mikor sima jelent használni?

Figyelt kérdés

Többször láttam már, hogy a "when" után folyamatos jelen van. Én nem értem, mi indokolja ezt. Például ebben az esetben:

Szeretem, amikor egymás ellen játszotok.

I love when you play against each other.

I love when you are playing against each other.

Nekem a magyar mondat úgy hangzana, ha kicsit jobban beleássuk magunkat, hogy "Szeretem, amikor egymás ellen szoktatok játszani". Ezért én sima jelent használnék, mert ugye szokást fejez ki. Mégis sok ilyen esetben láttam már folyamatos alakot:

Pl. When you are playing the piano, you should be ... bla bla bla.

Miért nem "When you play the piano"?

2020. febr. 20. 12:39
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 11/14 anonim ***** válasza:

Anyanyelvi beszélő:


'I feel very guilty when I'm not working.'

2020. febr. 23. 00:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/14 anonim ***** válasza:

For example, the child who has been taught and has learned to make his babysitter laugh whenever he plays with her can not also hit her over the head with a toy when he is playing with her.

There is more danger from the wings when he is playing and he causes a lot of problems for the opposition.

Everton will only be a really good side when he is playing in the reserves...

When you are playing regularly you can show your ability in the best light

The one thing you could have a go at is when you are playing like that you have to be more ruthless... may be that the saddle height adjusting screws are working loose due to vibration when you are playing

...attend to any on-stage problems which may come up when you are playing

Your mind doesn't stray when you are playing the game to which your interest is anchored.

When you are playing a game of Monopoly with someone you may not be able to predict his strategy...

2020. febr. 23. 08:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 13/14 A kérdező kommentje:

Akkor, ha jól értelmezem, ez a szerkezet azt jelentené, hogy "amikor éppen játszol"? Tehát hogy éppen csinálsz valamit.

És van bármiféle nyelvtani bökkenő, ha a fentebb felsorolt mondatokban lévő when + ing szerkezeteket kicserélem sima jelenes szerkezetre? Pl. When you play

2020. febr. 23. 12:22
 14/14 A kérdező kommentje:

Pl itt van egy csomó ilyen példa (WordHippóról):

That noise is only apparent when you play 78s on an electrical pickup, which amplifies the scratch along with the music.

It can happen when you play away from home that a ref can think he's got to even the game up when he's already sent another player off.

However, when you play with campers, you must remember that you are not playing at the same level you would be with peers.

And when you play those pieces do you still get yourself into a meditative state?

I think when you play a character you have to be able to relate to certain aspects.

Where I have a problem is when you play with the animal before you despatch it.

Drink lots of water when you play, at least four or five cups,

but make sure it's closer to room temperature than the freezing point.

2020. febr. 23. 12:24
1 2

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