Elmagyarázná valaki nekem?

"My friend brought lunch to me." (My friend physically carried the lunch and delivered it to me)
"My friend brought lunch for me." (My friend paid for my lunch because he wanted to do something nice for me)
"I made a quick phone call to my mom." (I called with the intention of speaking with my mom)
"I made a quick phone call for my mom." (My mom wasn't able to make the call so I made the call for her)

"My friend BOUGHT lunch for me." (My friend paid for my lunch because he wanted to do something nice for me)

Pont tegnap írtam a Gyakorin valakinek, hogy nem a magyar fordítást kell nézni, hanem az angol használatot. Itt van az egyik, ebből elég világos talán, hogy mire jó a for:
1 In support of or in favour of (a person or policy)
‘troops who had fought for Napoleon’
‘they voted for independence in a referendum’
2 Affecting, with regard to, or in respect of.
‘she is responsible for the efficient running of their department’
‘the demand for money’
3 On behalf of or to the benefit of.
‘I got a present for you’
‘these parents aren't speaking for everyone’
3.1 Employed by.
‘she is a tutor for the Open University’
4 Having (the thing mentioned) as a purpose or function.
‘networks for the exchange of information’
‘the necessary tools for making a picture frame’
5 Having (the thing mentioned) as a reason or cause.
‘Aileen is proud of her family for their support’
‘I could dance and sing for joy’
6 Having (the place mentioned) as a destination.
‘they are leaving for London tomorrow’
7 Representing (the thing mentioned)
‘the ‘F’ is for Fascinating’
8 In place of or in exchange for.
‘will you swap these two bottles for that one?’
8.1 Charged as (a price)
‘copies are available for £1.20’
9 In relation to the expected norm of.
‘she was tall for her age’
‘it's quite warm for this time of year’
10 Indicating the length of (a period of time)
‘he was jailed for 12 years’
‘I haven't seen him for some time’
11 Indicating the extent of (a distance)
‘he crawled for 300 yards’
12 Indicating an occasion in a series.
‘the camcorder failed for the third time’
Ingyé való netes szótár...

Ne akard megjegyezni, hogy mit jelent a to, for vagy akármelyik szó, hanem szókapcsolatokat tanulj. Éles beszédben úgysem fog eszedbe jutni, hogy na hogy is volt az a to...
thanks to your friendship - a barátságodnak köszönhetően
thanks for your friendship- köszönöm a barátságodat
want to a dog - akar egy kutyát
turn back at the corner- visszafordulni a sarkon
smile at each other..... stb
felesleges ezeket az előljárószavakat önmagukban tanulni, nem mész vele semmire
itt rengeteg példamondat van

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