Angolban mikor hasznaljuk ing-es alakban a love, live, stb iget? Valaki elmagyarazna nekem?

Kezdjük azzal, hogy a bizonyos reklámban nem jól írják, mert igazából a love szót nem használjuk folyamatos alakban. Érzés,tudás stb. statikus igéknél nincs értelme a folyamatosnak az angolban.

A kérdés feltevéséből kitűnik, hogy a kérdező nem jártas az angolban. Ezért talán célravezetőbb lesz a magyarázatot magyar nyelvtani terminológia segítségével megpróbálni. Nos, az angolban az ige végére kerülő -ing végződés - magyar nyelvtani fogalmak alapján - szerepükben eltérő szófajú szavakat hoz létre. Az egyik a magyar határozói igenévvel rokonítható (going - menve, speaking - beszélve stb.) Ezzel képezzük a folyamatos jelent, pl. I am going. She is speaking. Ugyanez a végződés a magyar -ás, -és igei főnévképzővel rokonítható főnév képzésére is alkalmas. Így például a kérdésben szereplő 'live' létező és használatos 'living' alakja jelenthet 'élés'-t, valahol v. valahogyan történő 'lakás'-t.Pl."Living in village is nice." Falun lakni jó. Betű szerint fordítva: "Faluban való élés/lakás szép."
Egy másik válaszadó részére: a magyar -ng végű igék végződése semmiképp nem rokonai az angol -ng képzőnek. Az egybeesés a véletlen műve.
Egy példa a "loving"-ra, itt pl. igenévi funkcióban, folyamatos jelent képezvén:

#1-es vagyok, még annyi, hogy az ige ing-es alakja 3 esetben használt.
1, Folyamatos igeidő képzésére. I am living in a box.
2, Gerund, vagy főnévi igenévhez hasonló, főnév helyettesíthető vele. I like eating out. (Az eating out nem igeként szerepel.)
3, Present participle. [link]

Jaj bocsi, de, jartas vagyok benne, de meg vannak hianyossagaim. Elirtam a kerdest. Nem a live erdekelne hanem ezek folyamatos alakja es hogy mikor hasznaljak:
érzelmeket kifejező igék (pl.: like, love, hate, prefer…)
érzékelést kifejező igék (pl.: smell, see, hear…)
birtoklást kifejező igék (pl.: have, owe)
gondolati tevékenységekkel kapcsolatos igék (pl.: think, believe, want)

Ó anyám. A bolondokházában a látogató benéz az egyik terembe, körben ülnek az ápoltak, egyik azt mondja: tizenkettő, mire nagyot nevetnek. A másik eztán benyögi, hogy: ötvennyolc, megint nevetés. A látogató megkérdi, mi folyik itt? Tudja, vicceket mesélünk, de már annyira ismerjük saját készletünket, hogy megszámoztuk azokat, így nem vesztünk időt a meséléssel.
Tessék, tördeld szét magadnak, én már formáztam ezeket a gyakorin vagy hatszor:
168 Verbs not normally used in the continuous tenses
The continuous tenses are chiefly used for deliberate actions. Some verbs are, therefore, not normally used in the continuous and have only one present tense, the simple present. These verbs can be grouped as follows:
A Verbs of the senses (involuntary actions): feel, hear, see, smell; also notice and observe (= notice), and feel, look, taste used as link verbs (see 18 B, C). For feel, look, smell, taste, see also 169. For hear and see, see
also 170.
Verbs such as gaze, listen, look (at), observe (= watch), stare and watch imply deliberate use of the senses, and can, of course, be used in the continuous tenses:
Watch! ~ I am watching but I don't see anything unusual.
He is listening to a tape, but he's wearing earphones so nobody else
hears it.
B Verbs expressing feelings and emotions, e.g. admire (= respect), adore, appreciate (= value), care for (= like), desire, detest, dislike, fear, hate, like, loathe, love, mind (= care), respect, value, want, wish.
But the continuous can be used with admire meaning 'look at with admiration', appreciate meaning 'increase in value', care for meaning 'look after', long for, mind meaning 'look after/concern oneself with', value meaning 'estimate the financial worth of, enjoy and sometimes like/love meaning 'enjoy', and hate meaning the opposite, though it is safer to use the simple tenses with like, love and hate:
He's enjoying his holiday in the Arctic. He hates touristy places and
he doesn 't mind the cold.
I'm minding my own business.
How are you liking/Do you like your new job? —
I'm hating it/I hate it. I just don 't like work, you see.
C Verbs of mental activity, e.g. agree, appreciate (= understand), assume, believe, expect (= think), feel (= think), feel sure/certain, forget, know, mean, perceive, realize, recall, recognize, recollect, remember, see (= understand), see through someone (= penetrate his attempt to deceive), suppose, think ( = have an opinion), trust (= believe/have confidence in), understand. But the continuous can be used with appreciate meaning 'to increase in value'. See also 171 for think, assume, expect.
D Verbs of possession: belong, owe, own, possess:
How much do 1 owe you?
E The auxiliaries, except be and have in certain uses. (See 113 B, 115 B, 123.)
P appear (= seem), concern, consist, contain, hold (= contain), keep (= continue), matter, seem, signify, sound (= seem/appear):
It concerns us all. This box contains explosives. But appear meaning 'to come before the public' can be used in the continuous.
169 feel, look, smell and taste used in the continuous forms
A feel
feel, when followed by an adjective indicating the subject's emotions or physical or mental condition, e.g. angry/pleased, happy/sad, hot/cold, , tense/relaxed, nervous/confident, is normally used in the simple tenses but can also be used in the continuous:
How do you feel/are you feeling? ~ I feel/am feeling better. feel meaning 'touch' (usually in order to learn something) can be used in the continuous:
The doctor was feeling her pulse. Similarly, feel for meaning 'try to find something by touching':
He was feeling for the keyhole in the dark. But feel is not used in the continuous when it means 'sense':
Don't you feel the house shaking? when it means 'think':
I feel you are wrong and when it is used as a link verb:
The water feels cold.
B look
The continuous is not used with look used as a link verb, e.g. That cake looks good, or with look on (= consider), look up to (= respect) and look down on (= despise) (see chapter 38). But look (at), look for/in/into/out and look on (= watch) are deliberate actions and can be used in the continuous tenses:
He is looking for his glasses.
I'm looking out for a better job.
C smell
The continuous is not used with smell meaning 'perceive a scent/an odour', e.g. I smell gas, or with smell used as a link verb, but can be used with smell meaning 'sniff at':
Why are you smelling the milk? Does it smell sour?
D taste
taste as a link verb is not used in the continuous:
This coffee tastes bitter, (has a bitter taste) But taste meaning 'to test the flavour of can be used in the continuous:
She was tasting the pudding to see if it was sweet enough.
170 see and hear used in the continuous forms
A see can be used in the continuous when it means 'meet by appointment' (usually for business), 'interview':
The director is seeing the applicants this morning.
I am seeing my solicitor tomorrow. (See 202.) Also when it means 'visit' (usually as a tourist):
Tom is seeing the town/the sights.
It can also be used in the continuous in the following combinations: see about = make arrangements or enquiries:
We are seeing about a work permit for you. (trying to arrange this) see to = arrange, put right, deal with:
The plumber is here. He is seeing to the leak in our tank. see somebody out = escort him/her to the door. see somebody home = escort him/her home. see somebody to + place = escort him/her to + place:
ANN: Is Bill seeing you home after the party?
MARY: No, he's just seeing me to my bus.
see someone off = say goodbye to a departing traveller at the starting point of his journey (usually the station, airport etc.):
We're leaving tomorrow. Bill is seeing us off at the airport.
B hear can be used in the continuous when it means 'listen formally to' (complaints/evidence etc.):
The court is hearing evidence this afternoon. hear meaning 'receive news or letters' can also be used in the continuous form but only in the present perfect and future:
I've been hearing all about your accident.
You 'II be hearing about the new scheme at our next meeting.
171 think, assume and expect used in the continuous forms
A think can be used in the continuous when no opinion is given or asked for:
What are you thinking about? ~ I'm thinking about the play we saw
last night. But
What do you think of it? (opinion asked for) ~ / don't think much oj
it. (opinion given)
Tom is thinking of emigrating. What do you think of the idea? ~
I think it is a stupid idea. He should stay where he is.
B assume can be used in the continuous when it means 'accept as a starting point':
I'm assuming that you have time to do a lot of research. assume power/control of a country or organization can also be used in the continuous:
The new government is assuming power at once.
C expect can be used in the continuous when it means 'await': I'm expecting a letter. She's expecting a baby in May.
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