Elmagyarazna valaki a "In order that" kifejezes hasznalatat?

Hát itt van egy pár példamondat:
In her heyday, Coco Chanel famously gave her designs exclusively to Wallis for a fee, in order that she might profit from any plagiarism
No one wants high wages in order that working men may indulge in mere sensual gratification.
The board wishes to progress this appointment without delay in order that the final stages of the selection process can be made as soon as possible
The court proposed to grant the authority leave to appeal to the House of Lords in order that a definitive answer might be given
In person he was quietly spoken, deliberately so, in order that others would becompelled to strain to hear what he had to say
They prevented this in order that they might themselves plunder all.
Lagerfeld went on a diet, so he said, in order that he might wear Dior Homme
I heard of a friend of a friend who flirted outrageously with rich, middle-aged Arabs on holiday in Dubai in order that they take her shopping and buy her watches, handbags and otherluxury goods.
These laws must regulate the flow of migrants in order that they have a chance to become properly integrated into the community.

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