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Angol Subjunctive (Kötőmód) szabályait, használatát elmagyarázná nekem valaki?

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A neten nézelődtem,de nem értem meg,hogy hogyan kell használni. A suliban pl ilyen gyakorlatokat végzünk,de nem értem őket

Átírni a mondatokat: pl: Please be punctual.(wish)

Átírva: I wish you were punctual.

Miért were,és nem be???

If would be better if you didn't stay long. (rather)

Átírva: I'd rather you didn't stay long.

Valaki elmagyarázná,hogy értsem is meg?

2013. márc. 11. 17:26
 1/3 Dávidlolmart válasza:

Pronoun: Word Used in Place of a Noun

What Is a Pronoun?


Quiz: Pronouns

Pronoun Case

Quiz: Pronoun Case

Subjective Case of Pronouns

Quiz: Subjective Case of Pronouns

Objective Case of Pronouns

Quiz: Objective Case of Pronouns

Choosing Between Subjective Case and Objective Case

Quiz: Choosing Between Subjective Case and Objective Case

Possessive Case of Pronouns

Quiz: Possessive Case of Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns with Gerunds

Quiz: Possessive Pronouns with Gerunds

Pronoun Reference

Quiz: Pronoun Reference

Pronoun Agreement

Quiz: Pronoun Agreement

Sexism in Pronouns: He or She?

Quiz: Sexism in Pronouns: He or She?

Modifiers: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Compound Modifiers

Connecting Words and Phrases: Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections

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Subjective Case of Pronouns

Pronouns are also used as subjects of verbs. Use the subjective case of pronouns when the pronoun is the subject of a verb.

I drive to work.

He enjoys dancing.

We bought the lodge.

They are fighting over the property line.

The player who won the game was the guest of honor.

Compound subjects

When there are compound subjects—that is, more than one actor—don't be confused. Pronouns should still be in the subjective case.

Eileen and he (not Eileen and him) enjoy dancing.

The Harrisons and they (not The Harrisons and them) are fighting over the property line.

To keep from making pronoun case errors in sentences with compound subjects, drop the subject that is a noun and read the sentence with the pronoun alone. You would never say Him enjoy dancing or Them are fighting over the property line. When you apply this test, you'll see that the subjective forms he and they are correct.

Pronouns following “to be”

You should also use the subjective case of pronouns after forms of the verb to be.

It is I who chose the location.

The man who called the police was he.

The real criminals are we ourselves.

The winners were they and the Rudermans.

The man who phoned was who?

The word after a form of to be is called a complement. It is also sometimes called a predicate nominative or predicate adjective.

Unlike words following action verbs, the complement of a linking verb is not an object, a receiver of action. Instead, the complement identifies or refers to the subject. Compare the following two sentences.

The president saw Mr. Komino.

The president was Mr. Komino.

In the first sentence, Mr. Komino is an object that receives the president's action of seeing. If a pronoun were to be substituted for Mr. Komino, the pronoun would be in the objective case: him. But in the second sentence, Mr. Komino isn't receiving any action. Mr. Komino identifies the subject: the president. The correct pronoun to substitute for Mr. Komino in this sentence would be he.

Pronoun complements can cause case problems. As the rule says, the subjective form of a pronoun is correct after to be, but sometimes it sounds unnatural or too formal.

It is I.

I am she.

The person I chose was he.

The winners were they.

The best way to handle awkward-sounding constructions is to look for a better way to say the same thing. For example:

They were the winners.

or They won. (better)

He was the person I chose.

or I chose him. (better)

In informal speech and writing, modern usage allows It is me or It's me. In formal writing, either stay with the established rule or rewrite the sentence to avoid correct but awkward wording.

2013. márc. 12. 11:50
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Azért nem "be", mert a példamondatban a személy, akinek mondják, nem pontos.

Egyébként Subjunctive-ból is kettő van. Van a jelen idejű (mikor egy fennálló dologról kívánjuk, hogy még álljon fent sokáig, pl. Long live the Queen), ez olyasmit, mint a felszólító mód, de azért mégse mindig azonos vele, az előfordulása, szórendje, jelentése miatt. A kötőmód amolyan kívánó/óhhajtó mód féleség. Míg felszólító módnál felszólítjuk, hogy a parancsunknak engedelmeskedjen, addig a kötőmódnál ez a kívánt cselekvés csak kívánság.

A másik a múltidejű, amikor az ige II. alakját használjuk (a legtöbb germán nyelvben, így nem csak az angolban, de a németben is), jelezve, hogy a kívánalom megvalósulására nincs (sok) esély. Ilyen az I wish you was/were punctual. Tehát csak kívánom, pont azért csak kívánom, mert jelenleg baromira nem pontos. Nem lehetne, értelmetlen lenne kívánkozni összevissza, ha a megszólított személy pontos lenne.

A "be" igénél E/1. és E/3. szemében jó a were (hagyományos, rendhagyó alak) és a was is (modernebb, szabályos alak). Sajnos sok helyen azt tanítják még, hogy csak az I/he/she/it were a jó, de ez nem így van. Teljesen jó az I/he/she/it was is, bár ilyenkor kezdőbbek félreérthetik, összekeverhetik az egyszerű múlttal. Alaptalanul, mert a Subjunctive máshogy van bevezetve, más a szórendje.

Egyébként a kötőmódot használják a feltételes mondatokban is.

2013. márc. 12. 14:41
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim válasza:
WISH után, egszerű múlt áll ha jelenre vagy jövőre vonatkozik./pl. I wish I won a lottery. Bárcsak nyernék a lottón./ Ha múltra vonatkozik akkor past perfect áll a wish után./pl. I wish I had won the lottery. Bárcsak nyertem volna a lottón./
2013. dec. 1. 00:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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