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Átnézné valaki? Melyik a jobb? (angol)

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Starting from an early age up to the end of our lives, every one dreams to become a famous person. It's true that there is a lot of hard work and many responsabilities involved, but still, it's impossible not to consider all the advantages that the celebrities enjoy.

The greatest advantage of being famous is that celebrities are usually very rich so they have easier life than other people. They live in beautiful houses maintained by housekeepers, gardeners, cooks and other servants. They do not have to worry about paying bills, can afford the best clothes and drive the latest models of fast cars. Apart from that, they travel all over the world and you can see many places.What is more, they spend their holidays in expensive resorts, get the best hotel rooms and the most efficient service. Secondly, when you are famous, your name is known by everyone. Then, you are invited to the best parties and meet other celebrities. Your fans send you letters to tell you how much they admire you. Everybody knows you , loves you and even worships you. You are in the eyes and heart of the media all the time, everybody is watching you. Think about all those fan-clubs full of people eager to know everything about you, eager to predict and comment on your actions. Any style you may adopt places you in the field of fashion . Step by step you become a role model for them. Children wish to be like you when they grow up, teenagers tend to imitate you and adults admire your attitude. It is said that celebrities own a lot of money and enjoy luxury. And this is true. They are able to fulfill all their dreams . Most of them are known to be charitable and helping the poor, the sick and the unfortunate. I believe that this is what really makes them feel great and important , showing their feelings and compassion to those who really need it. Moreover, they will surely appreciate it a lot and turn you into a kind of hero, their hero. And now, not only that they feel great by doing this, but also people will love them more. All this being said, I cannot stop thinking about all the advantages i have mentioned above and dreaming to be such a person, even for one day, or at least, half of it.

People who will be an singers, actors or some kinds of public person like for exemple politicians are exposed to all the dangerous of fame.I think it's many more disadvantages than advantages being famous.Well-known people lose civil liberties and they don't have a free hand. Wherever they go, wherever they do, people turn out of greet them,this is nice but can be bothersome. Some crazy fans will do anything to have a picture with the known person. Often the magazine and newspaper write gossip and don't tell true about famous person,what can be very unfrotunalby for them. Enthusiast and fan mostly believing that nonsense. Fame brings them money which cannot be even calculated as it is so much.On the other hand they are no longer private individuals.Their life becomes public property. Although they are rich they are hard to satisfy. Well, money does not bring happiness. The next thing is problem with friends.They can't be friends with anybody,with anyone beacouse the media going to broadcast this information interfere to they privately life style.Next problem is stress. The more they get and succeed the more they are expected by their fans to achieve. This is an immense stress for them. The state of constant stress pushes many of them in alcoholism, drug-addiction and depression. In other words, the fame can destroy a

man but also it can make him happy. There are also some people who are famous and lead normal, calm life without any serious problems. Well, I seem it depends on the person. Not everyone can be famous.

nagyon köszönöm előre is!!!

2010. máj. 4. 18:16
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Csak átfutottam, az első elég jónak tűnik, viszont a másodikba sok a hiba.

Azt is te írtad? pl. will be an singers - an nem kell

like for example - kettő együtt furcsa

turn out of greet - ilyet nem hallottam még

all the dangerous of fame - all the dangers of fame

2010. máj. 4. 18:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszi, a másodikat akkor ne is nézzétek mert tényleg gagyi. Kijavítaná vki az elsőt? Nagyon fontos, hogy tökéletes legyen.
2010. máj. 4. 18:28
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Az előző vagyok. Látom egy az egybe leszedted mindkét szöveget a netről aztán itt szeretnéd kijavíttatni :S

Megnézik ám a tanárok az internetes forrásokat, úgyhogy megjárhatod még. Csak szólok. Amúgy a második szövegbe nincs hiba.

2010. máj. 4. 18:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:

Mármint az elsőben nincs hiba, ugye? Köszi nagyon.

Nem suliba kell, ez érettségi tétel és örülök hogy fenn van pár a neten és legalább ezeket nem nekem kell kidolgoznom. Nem fogom megtanulni csak átolvasni mivel szóbelire kell. :)

2010. máj. 4. 18:58

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