Tudnátol segíteni az angol házimba?
Write an email of about 100 words to a friend describing a real or invented crime that you saw. Include the following information in your description:
- What was the crime?
- Who were the criminals?
- What did they do?
- What happened?
- Did the police catch the criminals? If so, how?
Finish by suggesting doing something together
Ha vannak benne hibák kérlek segítsetek
i am so sorry that i couldnt write yesterday. i was walking down Vologda street when i was witness to a murder. A woman took money out of the bank machine when a confused man killed with a single shot. i hard yelled.the police officer was there.The police officer contact tried to contact me but I could barely speak. the criminal confessed that murder.
He didnt want rab the woman.
The woman was his wife . He said that a great injustice has been comitted against woman .The young woman died
The police is investigate the cruel murder.the man is in prison

Az I-t nagy betűvel kell írni. A couln't aposztróffal.
I witnessed a murder.
killed her
Az I hard kezdetű mondatod értelmetlen, ki se lehet találni, mit akarsz.
contact tried to contact me az is értelmetlen.
He didn't want to rob the woman.
had been committed against the woman
The police investigated
Az utolsó feladatpontról nem írtál: javasolnod kell valami közös programot.
A hardosba azt akartam írtni hogy nagyot kiáltottam.
A contactosba pedig ,hogy a rendőrtiszt fel akarta venni velem a kapcsolatot,de én meg sem tudtam szólalni.
Utolsó pontba majd kitalálok valamit .Nagyon köszönöm a segítséged!

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