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Mit jelentenek ezek az utasítások? (ANGOLUL VANNAK)

Figyelt kérdés

* Break up large sections of text with page breaks and bullet points.

* Use a sans serif font (i.e., without heads and tails, such as Arial or Tahoma) which is easier for dyscalculic students to read.

* Do not justify the text (as this paper does), because the extra spacing required for justification makes it more difficult to read.

* Use coloured overlays to reduce the glare from black type on white paper, which is often a problem for students who have difficulties with visual perception.

Improving mathematical problem solving skills

* Photocopy mathematics books, which are generally difficult to read because of the interspersement of diagrams, tables, and charts, with the relevant sections placed in a more sequential order.

* Separate multi-step problems into small, manageable steps.

* Use a line reader, if available, to highlight a line of work and fade the other lines into the background.

* Use coloured pens or markers to highlight various parts of a question.

* Use colour in spreadsheets to delineate the different columns and rows.

* Edit down the output tables of statistical analyses so that the student can focus on the relevant sections.

General instructional design

* Supplement missing or incomplete notes.

* Put up large wall posters to remind students of various basic concepts that cannot be easily recalled in short-term memory.

* Use system cards to aid in memorisation.

* Provide flow diagrams or tree diagrams to clarify procedures.

* Provide mind map diagrams to help with the development of a long-term project.

* Employ typical strategies for engaging visual learners to a greater degree.

* Move through a lesson at the student's own pace so that he or she does not become bogged down by the material.

* Teach skills in organisation, studying, and time management.

* Focus on revision prior to an examination.

2010. jan. 10. 12:16
 1/1 anonim válasza:

Focus on revision prior to an examination.: Koncentrálj revízióra egy vizsgálatot megelőzően.

Teach skills in organisation, studying, and time management.: Taníts készségeket szervezetben miközben tanulsz, és időzíts menedzsmentet.



(nem mindig jól fordít! De a szótárja viszont jó =))

2010. jan. 15. 17:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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