Angolos valaki segítene erről a témáról pár mondattal? Lent.
In Hungary you can get a driving licence in the age of 17. You have to go for driving lessons and should have enough to go for you driving exam. You should also have your Kresz exam to get your licence. A driving school gives you lessons and sometimes the students get discount. In the age of 14 you can have licence for motor.
The most typical driving offences are speeding and when somebody goes through the red light. The police give(s) financial penalty for that person who takes these driving offences. Another driving offence are using phone in the car or not using seat belt while driving. It doesn't cost a lot, but sometimes people could get more than 100000 ft bills, if they didn't think about these offences.
Remélem segítettem és nincs benne hiba :)

at the age
your driving exam
at the age
can have a licence for motorbike
runs a red light (és nem goes through)
police give, vagy még inkább police fine that person
another dr. off. is
Ebben is segítene valaki erről is csak pár mondat kellene.
What endangered speciesdo you know of? Why are they endangered?
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