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Aki jól tud angolul, elolvasná ezt a szöveget?

Figyelt kérdés

A fogalmazás neve (vagyis tárgya) My sports hero volt. Mivel egyedül Schobert Norbit ismertem (legalább egy kicsit), így róla írtam. Ha valaki jól tud angolul, az légyszi olvassa el, és írja le a hibákat!

My sports hero is Schobert Norbi. I know, that he is not really a sportsman, but it’s exemplary for me, what he achived in his life, and I don’t mean, that he is famous, or that he has a lot of money, but what he managed to do, when he was a teenager.

When he was 15, he was enrolled to an economic and financial secondary school. For his great rue, he couldn’t get an exulpation, so he was forced to suffer through the Physical Education lesson. He was 104 kilogramms, and when he couldn’t climb the rope, everyone laughed at him, except his teacher, who told the class, that Norbi will lose weight, and at the end of the schoolyear, he will climb the rope easily. After the lesson he gave him a diet based on a point system, and he said, that he must work out and keep the diet.

During the schoolyear Norbi kept the diet, and he ran every day. In the summer he undertook a student job, and when he got his first payment, he bought a bicycle. From this time he cycled every day on the nearby hills.

At the age of 16 he was only 60 kilograms. Running and cycleing wasn’t enough for him anymore, so he looked for other challenges. He started a pentathlon training, but he wasn’t really talented in these sports.

His trainer entered him to a triathlon competition, and that was followed by many other similar competitions. He was usually in the first three calling.

He was 18, when he fell off of his bicycle, and he fell 6 metres. Somehow he managed to finish the competition, but after a few days he had to go to the hospital, because his back hurt badly. He was born with Spina Bifida, and the training, the competitions and the falling was too much to his spine.

He mustn’t do hard exercises, but he didn’t want to gain weight again, so he began to look for a healthy lifestyle. He read textbooks, researched and he completed the Aerobic Instructor course at the Physical Education College. After that, he started to work on his code system, which helped many people.

And this is, why I respect him. He managed to lose weight, he started to work out, and he didn’t give up after his accident. He helpd not only himself, but many other people too.

2014. jún. 5. 16:08
 1/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Utolsó sorban: helped, ezt elírtam.
2014. jún. 5. 16:11
 2/5 anonim válasza:
Szerintem az utolsó sorban a "too" nem azt kellene hanem azt hogy many people as well. De.nagyon jo fogalmazas majdem hibatlan; meg ott a "he read textbooks" ott he did read textbooks.lenne sztem de nagyon jol megirtad :)
2014. jún. 6. 08:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Egész jó ez, ne parázz! Sok angol ajkú sem tud hibátlanul írni vagy beszélni, ahogy sok magyar sem.
2014. jún. 6. 08:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 A kérdező kommentje:

Köszi! :)

A "He read textbooks"-nál a read múlt idő, de az írásban nem látszik, csak a kiejtésben [red] lesz belőle. (Ezt jól a fejünkbe verte az osztályfőnök :D )

2014. jún. 6. 10:39
 5/5 anonim ***** válasza:
#2: A Kérdezőnek igaza van, a felrótt "hibák" se hibák, helyesek úgy ahogy vannak.
2014. jún. 6. 14:11
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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