Ez így értelmes angolul?
So it is means that we have to send the basic materials which are necessary for the brazing.
Please inform us how your plan is. Will you send the metal basic material to us and then we send them to the supplier (and after they brazed them, they send the brazed material back to us)? Or will you send the metal basic material to the supplier in direct? How is your plan?

Biztos megértik így is, de pár dolgot inkább írj át.
So it means that we have to send the basic materials which are necessary for the brazing.
Please inform us what your plan is. Will you send the metal basic material to us and then we send them to the supplier (and after they brazed them, they send the brazed material back to us)? Or will you send the metal basic material to the supplier directly? What is your plan?
A többi hiba inkább stílus, szépség, sztem azok maradhatnak.

So it means that we have to send the basic materials which are necessary for the brazing.
Please inform us about the details of the process: will you be sending the basic material to us, or directly to the supplier? (In other words, will they receive it directly from you, or do we have to forward it to them?)
Talán így. De mondom a 4 javításon kívül oké az eredeti is.

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