Lefordítanátok nekem ezt a szöveget? Past simple és past continuous
Colin Boyle was born in 1973 near Dublin, Ireland. In 1983 he became seriously ill. While he was recovering, his uncle gave him an old violin. He enjoyed playing and practised at his school everyday after lessons. One day in 1987, John Leaf, the manager of several successful musicians was having a meeting with the headmaster when he heard Colin practising. He immediately contacted Colin's teacher and invited Colin to appear in one of the concerts he was organising that year.
Colin, however, refused Leaf's invitation, because just then he was preparing for some important school exams.
Colin passed his exams and went to college to study engineering. At college, he met Kim O'Malley, who studying chemistry. Kim was also a keen amateur musician. Being students, they rarely had much money and they usually worked as waiters at weekends.
One evening in April 1992, while Colin and Kim served customers, the manager (announced that there would be no live music in the restaurant that night as the regular band could not come. Colin and Kim (persuaded him to let them play to the customers. Everyone was amazed to hear how good they were .Six months later they (decided to leave college because they were earning so much money as musicians. Their success has continued ever since.

Amíg ezt a szöveget begépelted, addig le is fordíthattad volna.
Abból, hogy lefordítjuk neked, nem tanulsz semmit. És mi az, hogy nincs rá időd? Nyár van, nem?
Nem hiszem, hogy nincs pár mondat, amit ne tudnál magad lefordítani. Inkább azt mondd meg, hogy melyik mondatot/mondatokat nem tudod egyáltalán értelmezni és akkor abban segítünk. :)
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