Valaki átnézné az angol levelemet?
Hi Bob,
I heard about your Latin dance courses, and I am interested in it. I’ve always wanted to learn how to dance, so I’d like to join. But I need some information at first. First of all I wanted to know it hard or easy to learn. Then I wanted to know how long the course lasts, and I also need to know how times in a week and which days and where. Finally, could you tell me how much the course costs? I hope the price is not too high, because I spent most of my money for a new bicycle. Please, reply me if you can with all the info. Thanks!

i want to know IF it is hard or sem az igazi ahogy folytattad.: Then i wanted to know, meg én but-al nem kezdenék mondatot
info nál nálunk már gáz lenne ha nem írnám ki, hogy informations.. I also need to know how times in a week and which days and where- ezt is újra kéne írni...
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