Hogyan lehetne lefordítani? (magyarról-angolra)

pedig nincs kedved.:D
segítséget? ez nem segítség, hanem csicskáztatás. mert az oké h beírsz itt egy-két mondatot, h nem tudod lefordítani, de azért egy komplett szöveget...ez már pofátlanság.

First of all, I'm sorry that Carol had lost her job, but i have some ideas how could she find another. Firstly, she should go to the unemployment center, and register there. Meanwhile, she can find a new job in the newspaper or on the internet. In my opinion, internet is better than the newspaper, as it's faster, cheaper and easier. While she has to send a CV to every job she finds in the newspaper, you can send it in email on the internet. There are many job search pages, like profession.hu, or topjob. On the internet, she can find job that way, that she types in the page's title, there she finds the suitable job, then she sends a letter to the consignor, with her adress and CV, and she waits for the reply. Maybe they will reply that day, unlike the newspaper, because there it takes few days to the employer to get the letter. I hope, Carol will find a new job soon.
Nem tökéletes, de egy 5 alá vagy 4eshez elég, ha még aktuális.
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