Angolból azt a leckét kaptuk hogy írjunk a facebookról egy esszét kijavítanátok a hibákat?
Nowdays it is the most popular social network that we use every day. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberger in 2004. First it was only for Harvard students. These days facebook is used by more than 800 million active users.
On the one hand, it is a free and easy way of communication. You can keep connection with friends from other countries and you can make new friends. Besides this, you are able to post your oppinion, feelings, thoughts, ideas and interest. You can also share photoes and music videos. Facebook makes easier to join groups having similar likes and dislikes. Moreover, you can invite your friends to events and you can be invited. It is very easy to use and you will always know your friends birthdays.
On the other hand, it cuts of face to face communication. It can make rampant addiction and weak eyesight. Futhermore strangers can get your personal information and stalking is possible. Cyber crimes are problems too. In addition to this, facebook is ful off marketing Ads and fan pages.
In conclusion facebook seems to be useful, but nothing can replace intimate face to face communication.

Facebook is one of the most popular social webpages can be found on the net. Mark Zuckerberg is the leader of his creation made in 2004. In the early stages it was accessable only for Harvard students. Now it is available almost in every country with counting more than eight hundred million active members.
It is free and easy way of the communication novadays. You can keep connection with close friends and distant relatives too. Meeting with strangers this is also a good place for it. Keeping the recent happnes updated is the best of Facebook. Marvellous invention of this huge social network named Wall. You can share your ideas, feelings, interests truly with everybody who has access to the internet. Moreover, it can be used as a public galery of the best moments of your life so far. Pictures and videos can be posted and uploaded into your Facebook profile. If you want to share some of your interests with other similar minded people, you can do it! Groups and sites are for. If you have an important happening in your life and you want people to partake, just do it with creating events! And there is a feature why so many person choose facebook, it is called application. Thousands of online games are available to the publicity.
A harmadik bekezdés jó valamennyire. Tanulj belőle :)

Én nem vagyok annyira nagy angolos, hogy tudjam javítani más szövegét... nyelvtan sosem volt az erősségem :P
Számomra teljesen érthetőnek tűnt, tudtam, hogy mit akartál írni...
a "very easy" viszont kicsit parás szerintem. Ezért nálunk haraptak anno :D
Az egyik válaszoló elég frappánsan átírta a dolgot, de szerintem azt add be amit Te írtál. Egyrészt úgyis észreveszi a tanár, hogy nem a te munkád, másrészt abból nem fogsz úgy tanulni, mintha ezt adod be :)
sok sikert ;)

idővel Te is fogsz tudni olyan választékosan fogalmazni, mint az előttem szóló :P
(az előző is én voltam :) )
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