Küldenétek egy tételt azzal a címmel, hogy gazdasági eredmények és változások a dualizmus korában?
Szia! :) Nekem angolul van egy egész jó tételem, még két évvel ezelőttről, remélem, érteni fogod:$:)
15th theme
Hungarian economy between 1867 and 1929
Due to the economic Compromise, there was free flow of goods, services, capital and labour between the two halves. The period of the Compromise is considered to have been in hungary the most successful one of modernisation, socially and economically to this day.
In 1867 75% of the national revenue came from agriculture. As a result of the development of industrial and service sector, the agrarian sectoer’s contribution fell to 44% (although 66% of the population lived off land). Due to the draining of marshlands, fallow fell from 25% to 8%. More than half of cultivated lands was devoted to cereals (corn). Only the USA produced more than Hungary.
Famous vegetables/fruits: onion of Makó, paprika of Szeged, apricot of Kecskemét
Grape cultivation and wine-making went under a crisis in 1880’s. Then wine planting emerged on the Great Plain because of sandy soil.
Modernisation of farming-->due to the 2nd industrial revolution:
o iron plough (nehézeke) became common
o increased the use of trashing machine (cséplőgép) – first operated by steam, then by internal combustion engine.
o harvesters (aratógép), petrol-driven tractols were introduced
o rotation of crops became dominant
Livestock breeding went under modernisation too: gray langhorn Hungarian cattles and prize-winning horses were keep.
Hungarian Industrial Revolution started in the 1880’s. The guilds ceased to exist by 1872. Food processing became the leading industrial branch. ( great milling industry – wheat from southern regions, salami makers – Pick, Herz, sugar industry, brewing-Dreher)
Due to the customs union our textile industry cuold not cooperate with that og its Austrian and Czech rivals.
Heavy industry were the machine prduction plants.
o Ganz machine
o iron foundry
o electric locomotives ( Kálmán Kandó)
o internal combustion engines ( Donát Bánki and János Csonka)
o carburator ( Csonka)
o transformer ( Déry, Bláthy, Zipernowsky)
o wolfram filament bulb
Arms manufacturing
Ordnance plants (fegyvergyárak) – Manfred Weiss of Csepel
Gun fundry in Győr
Heavy industry was concentrated in 3 areas:
Ø Gömör-Szepes (Upper Hungary)
Ø Hunyad and Krassó-Szörény (South-eastern)
Ø Budapest and the surroundings
Nem brigdes were built across the Danube: Margaret Bridge, Elizabeth Bridge
Urban transportation was revolutionised through tram lines.
During the dualist era half of the national investment went into the building of waterways and railways. ( By 1867 2,100km railway, by 1914 21,000km)
Gábor Baross: minister f transportation, „iron minister”
Banking, Credit services
Only some banks survived the crash of 1873. By the turn of the century only 5 bank grupings remained, which delt only with financial transactions and got involved in railway constructions.
Exp.: Hungarian General Credit Bank had interests in railways and engineering works. Foreign investments came mainly from Germany and France.
Our domestic accumulation of capital was weak.
Ha valamit nem értesz, akk szívesen segítek :)
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