Kezdőoldal » Közoktatás, tanfolyamok » Házifeladat kérdések » Segítenél? ( angol házi-questi...

Segítenél? ( angol házi-question-tag)

Figyelt kérdés

1. We had better wait for your friend...

2. You have your lunch at 5 o' clock.

3. You had a swim yesterday.

4. I'm afriad I am late.

5.He hadn't mte you before.

6. You have heard about that.

7.You'd reather I didn't...

8.I have to buy...

9.He has your book.

10. He has his breakfast.

11.He has got to go now.

12. Come and see me tomorrow.

13. Have another car.

14.I take it you won't...

15.Let's pretend, we are not..

16. Let me have a look.

17. Just read it yourself.

18. Let me read it.

19. Let's read loud

20. You would lose it.

21 I'd better go.

2010. dec. 18. 15:32
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Ezekkel mit kell csinálni? lefordítani?
2010. dec. 18. 16:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

1. We had better wait for your friend, hadn't we?

2. You have your lunch at 5 o' clock, don't you?

3. You had a swim yesterday, didn't you?

4. I'm afraid I am late, aren't I?

5.He hadn't met you before, had he?

6. You have heard about that, haven't you?

7.You'd rather I didn't, wouldn't you?

8.I have to buy, don't I?

9.He has your book, doesn't he?

10. He has his breakfast, doesn't he?

11.He has got to go now, hasn't he?

12. Come and see me tomorrow, will you?

13. Have another car, will you?

14.I take it you won't, don't I?

15.Let's pretend, we are not, shall we?

16. Let me have a look, will you?

17. Just read it yourself, will you?

18. Let me read it, will you?

19. Let's read loud, shall we?

20. You would lose it, wouldn't you?

21 I'd better go, hadn't I?

2010. dec. 18. 16:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
2. imádlak :)
2010. dec. 18. 16:45

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