Angol házi: Write sentences using the words given.1. afford 2. be worth 3. change (verb) 4. cost (verb) 5. owe 6. value (verb) ha jól értelmeztem, akk mondatokat kell ezekkel írni. Valaki segítene nekem?

1. Given the circumstances I do not think that would be such a great idea.
2. You know very well that we can not afford that house for Grandma, why did you get her so excited then?
3. Hungarian Minister of National Economy György Matolcsy said that every people was worth exactly as much as it owned.
4. Hey, mind that car with that ladder you're carrying, it costs more than your house!
5. Thanks for helping me out the other day, I owe you big time.
6. For the last couple of months Lily valued her friendship with Claire more than anything.

Jah a given-nel írtam, a change-el meg nem:D Sorry XD
How many times have I asked you to change that lightbulb in the garage? I almost broke my damn neck !!

És erre tud valaki írni?
Verb Patterns
Write sentences using the verbs in the box followed by another verb in the correct form.
verbs:> can't stand; fail; fancy; hope; let; keep on

Igen?:D Azt hittem Matolcsy XD
Érdekelne hogy milyen hibákat véltél felfedezni. A fent említetten kívül persze:)
Azt meg nem értem hogy itt az utolsónál mi lenne a feladat...Egy mondatban kell az összeset? Vagy külön mondatokba?
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