Hogy fordítanátok le angolra?
1.Sok zsíros,nehéz ételt esznek.Lakosság nagy része elhízott.Bevándolók végett sokfajta konyha jött lérte,mint például : mexikói,kínai,japán,görög.
2. ennek van értelme: The most important meal of the day is dinner.
meg még ennek a két mondatnak?
The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms
McDonald´s,Burger Kint all big fast food place in America fast food is very popular in states.

I eat a lot of fatty, heavy food. Most of the population is obese. Because of immigrants, various types of cuisine can be found anywhere, such as: Mexican, Chinese, Japanese or Greek.
Az utolsó mondatod rossz.
Pl így jó: McDonald´s and Burger King are big fast food places, which are popular in the (United) States.

stodgy food
1. They eat lots of greasy, stodgy food. Most of the population is overweight. Due to the immigrants, different cuisines can be found, such as: Mexican, Chinese, Japanese or Greek.
2. Van, csak nem értek vele egyet:D De szerintem jobban hangzik, ha megfordítod, és: "Dinner is the most important meal of the day."
3. The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms
Van értelme :D
McDonald´s,Burger Kint all big fast food place in America fast food is very popular in states.
4. As fast food is so popular in the states, McDonald's, Burger King and all the fast food restaurants are common in America.

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