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Valaki lefordítaná ezt a szövegrészletet?

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Egy beadandóhoz kell az összegzése a teljes szövegnek de ezt a részt nem teljesen értem.

2015. nov. 3. 12:28
 1/1 A kérdező kommentje:

Bocsi, lemaradt a szöveg:

An interesting piece of research into the use of the auxiliaries was undertaken by Jean Perrault, one leaders in the theory of information retrieval for the past 35 years, during the 1960s (Perrault, 1969, 1994), at the time when the importance of identifying different types of relationship in order to enhance machine retrieval was being examined. At that time, Farradane was working on his system of analets (Farradane, 1961, 1970; Farradane, Datta, & Poulton, 1966) and others in the field were identifying and distinguishing recurring relationships and providing notational symbols or imposing orders on words for retrieval purposes, so as to differentiate be- tween the same word being used in a different sense, or context. Farradane’s ‘‘rabbit as a pet,’’ ‘‘for food,’’ etc. are examples frequently cited to demonstrate the need for distinction in relationships. Perrault produced a detailed ‘‘schema’’ in which he identified a range of different relationships and concepts and provided a notation which he proposed as another common auxiliary table for the UDC. This idea was never adopted, and did not receive universal favor, but it remains a valuable analysis and enumeration of concepts that has not been overlooked those currently responsible for maintaining and developing the classification.

2015. nov. 3. 13:03

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