Lehet a kv elhagyása volt a gond?

Hagyd utolsó, túl magas neki ez a léc, megugorja. Egye csak, egészségére.
Kérdező, igen ettől is hízhattál, én is híztam. Sokkal magasabb a ch tartalma, mint amennyi cukrot általában használunk a normális kávéba.

Akkor mit keresel még itt? Mekkora kamu szöveget nyomsz:D

Oké, szóval szerinted a Nature c. lapban publikált tanulmány nem mérvadó.
Nature is a British multidisciplinary scientific journal, first published on 4 November 1869.[1] It is one of the most recognizable scientific journals in the world, and was ranked the world's most cited scientific journal by the Science Edition of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports and is ascribed an impact factor of 40.137, making it one of the world's top academic journals.[2][3] It is one of the few remaining academic journals that publishes original research across a wide range of scientific fields.[3][4] /Wikipedia/
"Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology"
Még egy idézet a cikkből, ami összefoglalja a lényeget:
"The last half-century has witnessed a steady increase in the consumption of food additives, many of which have not been carefully tested as they were given GRAS status at the time that government entities charged with regulating food safety were created and/or expanded. Moreover,the testing of food additives that has been performed has generally used animal models designed to detect acute toxicity and/or promotion of cancer. Our data suggest that such testing may be inadequate — a notion supported by the recent observation that artificial sweeteners induce dysglycaemia in humans. More specifically, our data suggest that one ubiquitous class of food additives, namely emulsifiers, can disturb the host–microbiota relationship resulting in a microbiota with enhanced mucolytic and pro-inflammatory activity that promotes intestinal inflammation. Such chronic gut inflammation can manifest as colitis or metabolic syndrome. While additional studies will be needed to determine if CMC, P80 and/or other emulsifiers impact human health, our observations in mice suggest the possibility that dietary emulsifiers may have contributed to the post-mid-twentieth-century increase in incidence of inflammatory bowel disease, metabolic syndrome, and perhaps other chronic inflammatory diseases. Notably, this hypothesis does not dispute the commonly held assumption that excess caloric consumption is a predominant factor driving the metabolic syndrome epidemic. Rather, it suggests such hyperphagia may be driven, in part, by food additives and other factors that might alter gut microbiota and promote low grade intestinal inflammation."
A lényeg, hogy a feldolgozott ételekben széles körben használt emulgeálószerek is hozzájárulhatnak az elhízáshoz. Igaz, ez csak egy egérkísérlet, tehát további kutatásokra lenne szükség.
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