A tejfolos alapu vagy a paradicsomos alapu pizzakat kedvelitek jobban?
"Tejfölös" alapú pizza nincs, a pizza definíció alapján paradicsomos!
èppen úgy, ahogy nincs krumplialapú sült csülök sem!
Egyik se, juhtúrós! :)
Nem szeretem a pizzériákat, magunknak sütjük.
Milyen definíció? A pizza definíciója: lepényszerű tészta, feltéttel.
Egyébként is, a paradicsom amerikai, nem hiszem hogy a régi olaszok még a kontinens felfedezése előtt átjártak volna az amcsi Lidlbe beszerezni egy kis paradicsomot. :D
Szerintem kifejezetten autentikusabb a tejfölös verzió, sokkal régebb óta készítik.
4-es: az olaszok soha nem haszáltak tejfölt a pizzára, a paradicsom elött olivaolajjal és füszerekkel ették!
Emellett ha Olaszországban pizzát kérsz, mindenhol csak paradicsomosat kapsz, szerintem a teljföl gondolatától is szívrohamot kapnának!
"Az ókori római pizzaféleségek még nagy mértékben különböztek a maiaktól. A 19. századig az úgynevezett fehér pizzák készültek. A pizzatésztát tejföllel, vagy zsírral kenték meg, erre az alapra tették a feltéteket."
Amúgy ne legyen már normális szívrepedést kapni csak azért, mert más szeret egy ételt amit én nem. :D
7 es ezt honnan irtad ki?
Tudsz konyv cimet szerzot adni?
"18. Jahrhundert
Schild vor dem Restaurant Brandi in Neapel
Die nur mit Olivenöl beträufelte, mit Tomatenscheiben und Oregano oder Basilikum belegte Pizza ist seit etwa der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts nachgewiesen, als die Tomate in Süditalien populär wurde. Der Name ist vermutlich älter – die apulische Pizza pugliese oder die kalabresische Pitta inchiusa zum Beispiel enthalten neben Hefeteig nur seit alters bekannte Zutaten wie Olivenöl, Zwiebeln, Salz oder Schweineschmalz. Der ligurischen Focaccia ähnliche Fladenbrote sind seit der Antike verbreitet. Da Pizza bei sehr hoher Temperatur gebacken werden sollte, was in den wenigsten Haushalten möglich war, wurde sie anfangs vorbereitet und ungebacken zum örtlichen Bäcker gebracht, bis ein eigener Handwerkszweig der Pizzamacher, der Pizzaiolo entstand, der den Teig selbst herstellte und belegte. "
"Foods similar to pizza have been made since the Neolithic Age.[18] Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout ancient history. In the 6th century BC, the Persian soldiers of Achaemenid Empire during the rule King Darius I baked flatbreads with cheese and dates on top of their battle shields[19][20] and the ancient Greeks supplemented their bread with oils, herbs, and cheese.[21][22] An early reference to a pizza-like food occurs in the Aeneid, when Celaeno, queen of the Harpies, foretells that the Trojans would not find peace until they are forced by hunger to eat their tables (Book III). In Book VII, Aeneas and his men are served a meal that includes round cakes (like pita bread) topped with cooked vegetables. When they eat the bread, they realize that these are the "tables" prophesied by Celaeno.[23]
Modern pizza evolved from similar flatbread dishes in Naples, Italy, in the 18th or early 19th century.[24] Prior to that time, flatbread was often topped with ingredients such as garlic, salt, lard, cheese, and basil. It is uncertain when tomatoes were first added and there are many conflicting claims.[24] Until about 1830, pizza was sold from open-air stands and out of pizza bakeries, antecedents to modern pizzerias.
A popular contemporary legend holds that the archetypal pizza, pizza Margherita, was invented in 1889, when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte commissioned the Neapolitan pizzaiolo (pizza maker) Raffaele Esposito to create a pizza in honor of the visiting Queen Margherita. Of the three different pizzas he created, the Queen strongly preferred a pizza swathed in the colors of the Italian flag — red (tomato), green (basil), and white (mozzarella). Supposedly, this kind of pizza was then named after the Queen,[25] although later research cast doubt on this legend.[26] An official letter of recognition from the Queen's "head of service" remains on display in Esposito's shop, now called the Pizzeria Brandi.[27]
Authentic Neapolitan pizza (pizza napoletana) is made with San Marzano tomatoes, grown on the volcanic plains south of Mount Vesuvius, and mozzarella di bufala Campana, made with milk from water buffalo raised in the marshlands of Campania and Lazio.[40] This mozzarella is protected with its own European protected designation of origin.[40] Other traditional pizzas include pizza alla marinara, which is topped with marinara sauce and is supposedly the most ancient tomato-topped pizza,[41] pizza capricciosa, which is prepared with mozzarella cheese, baked ham, mushroom, artichoke, and tomato,[42] and pizza pugliese, prepared with tomato, mozzarella, and onions.[43]
A popular variant of pizza in Italy is Sicilian pizza (locally called sfincione or sfinciuni),[44][45] a thick-crust or deep-dish pizza originating during the 17th century in Sicily: it is essentially a focaccia that is typically topped with tomato sauce and other ingredients. Until the 1860s, sfincione was the type of pizza usually consumed in Sicily, especially in the Western portion of the island.[46] Other variations of pizzas are also found in other regions of Italy, for example pizza al padellino or pizza al tegamino, a small-sized, thick-crust, deep-dish pizza typically served in Turin, Piedmont."
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