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Magyarra le kéne fordítani ezt a hosszú angol szöveget. Hálás lennék érte. (Alul)?

Figyelt kérdés

Step 1:Buy your Morning Glory seeds.Heavenly Blue is probably the most common grown and used for LSA

500 seeds of MG is the most common amount used to get a great trip.l recommend beginners using a slight less amount.(350-500 is best for a more intense trip)


Step 2:Soak the seeds overnight to remove the fungicides.(Preferably in warm water

but NOT TOO WARM.Soak in the DARK and COOL place as light and heat destroys LSA)

Many say that you only need to soak them for 30-45 mins,but overnight is best to ensure you get no physical side effects(too much fungicides will force your body to gointo shutdown).I also suggest that you soak the seeds even if they are organic;it's

always the best option.


Step 3:Grind the seeds down in a coffee grinder,or if you don't have one use a pepper grinder(It would take a lot longer this way,by hand).

(You could also use a pestle&mortar or even a pair of plyers...)


Step 4:Now that the seeds have been grounded down into powder,store the powder in a glass or cup and add cold water.Leave it someplace secure overnight(at least 12 hrs)

where it will not fall or tip

(In a dark,and not too warm environment)

This process is known as extraction and it IS illegal.

This is when the LSA is absorbed into the water in the glass.

(I highly recommend a 24hr extraction minimum,especially for crushed seeds.If you used an eletric coffee grinder and you've got the powder,12 hours should be enought,but 24hrs is best for both forms(crushed or powdered) )


Step 5:Use a coffee filter,or if you don't have one,use a funnel and filter paper(which again, takes a lot longer )to filter the seed extracts,or everything solid, so you get just the water with LSA present.

(Remember that the sheel of the seeds contain ingredient that doesn't mix well with our stromach acids,so leave out the seed mush at the base of the glass after

extraction!Also,this step will also filter out the seed oils,which are a laxative at larger amounts)


Step 6:You will NOT be able to drink this as it is.So here is what you need to do,to avoid throwing up(and that's the last thing you wanna do as MGs are expensive).There are several ways....

Firstly,if you have rum, add some to reduce stromach numbness.Now before you drink should eat some ice cream 5 minutes before to reduce stomach cramps/aches.

(AFTER is better-drink on an empty stomach)

(Ice cream for ice and fat)

Approx,1 tea spoon.

Remember ,ingestion of LSA is also illegal as well as extraction of it.In most countries.

Ok ,so either add squash(that has a strong flavour)

to the solution or add vanilla flavouring and sugar.Apple sauce is also very effective.

There are many ways,so select you most prefered way...

(I use extra srong squash.Very effective for removing the vile taste!)

Now you can the solution .To ensure that you get a good trip,stay home with friends or your brother/sister in a good environment- A quiet place is better suited.After 15 minutes approx,the first effect should be breathing walls(Visual effect)

Now remember that there are also negative physical effects,and LSA doesn't exactly do your kidneys and livers any good.Have fun and enjoy your trip !

LSA is a complete natural substance and it is said that Morning Glory is more effective in the mornings ,most psychedelics are .

Thanks For Watching

2013. dec. 23. 20:07
1 2
 11/15 anonim ***** válasza:
Biztos rólam másolta :)
2013. dec. 27. 20:02
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/15 A kérdező kommentje:
Te tudsz angolul egyébként ?
2013. dec. 28. 12:13
 13/15 anonim ***** válasza:
Anno tudtam valamennyire :) Most már don't speak engils :)
2013. dec. 28. 12:31
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 14/15 A kérdező kommentje:
szerinted ,hogy tudnám lefordítatni ,hogy teljesen értelmes legyen a fordítás ,mert a fordítót eléggé utálom :d
2013. dec. 28. 14:34
 15/15 anonim ***** válasza:
Fizetni kell egy angoltanárnak,vagy egy turistavezetőnek vagy vannak magyarok akik kint élnek és jól vágják az angol nyelvet.Lehet Neked is van ilyen ismid csak nem jutott az eszedbe.
2013. dec. 28. 20:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
1 2

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