Korábban skizofréniát diagnosztizáltak, szedették a sok gyógyszert, és hosszú idő után rájött, hogy valójában sosem volt skizofrén? Nem a betegségbelátásra célzok, konkrétan arra, hogy téves diagnózisra jöttél rá.

Ennél a cikknél a hozzászólások között olvastam egy ilyen esetről.
(Aki nem beszél angolul, annak a google fordító segíthet lefordítani!)
“I had Covid last January 2021 and had severe hallucinations a few weeks later. My doctor did not recognize the correlation between Covid and the mental health issues I was having and had me sent to a mental health facility. They were suggesting Electric Shock Therapy and for me to be on schizophrenia medicine long term. The hallucinations just came on all of the sudden and I knew something was wrong. I advocated for myself and began to wean off of the medicine they had prescribed. After it was all out of my system and the affects of Covid had subsided, then I felt "like me" again. If I had gone with my doctor's recommendations then I would have been on medication for psychosis for years and under the care of a psychiatrist. He had even recommended that I quit my job. I am concerned that other patients are being misdiagnosed like I was and are facing a life of medication and harmful therapies. What can be done to educate the physicians about the neurological affects of Covid?”
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