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Betterhelp valakinek bejött?

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A szomorú az az hogy még csak próbaként sem tudod elküldeni. Így nem szivesen ad ki rá az ember pénzt.

Inkább kiírom ide, lehet itt normális tanácsokat is kapok.

Az angoltudásomat nem ér szotyizni 4-5 éve nem nyúltam angolkönyvhöz!

Ha valaki érti és szívesen adna tanácsot azt megköszönöm!

Ami üzenetet kaptam R.W. től a nevét kitöröltem azt is ide másoltam és a válaszomat azzal kapcsolatban, hogy miért is kerestem meg.

Nem szeretném magyarra lefordítani, így talán kevesebben piszkálnak a kommenthuszárok közül, de a válaszokat magyarul is írhatjátok


My name is R.W. and I am a licensed therapist (license number LMFT *****). Please feel free to read more about me here.

Welcome to the online counseling room, which will be our private and secure place to communicate. This room is open 24/7, and you can enter it at any time, from any Internet-connected device wherever you are.

To help us get started, can you please tell me what brought you here? Just write a few short sentences about the challenges you're experiencing or what you would like to talk about and we will go from there.

Looking forward to working with you,



I'm here because I don't feel like anyone would want to have me.

I have a great family, my parents always tried to help me if I was in trouble. I'm attending university at about 4 years. When I was in middle school I didn't have too much friends, but in highschool everybody loved me. They are my friends forever! But in the university first everyone liked me than they told me that I'm too much. I mean that the people (most of them) don't like that I want to be their friend, I want to hug them, or to have a great conversation.

2 years ago I met a guy who was so cute and I liked him so much and it seemed that he like me too like a good friend. I was better student is the school too. But I fallen in love with him, and after that one year ago we started to have some kisses and after meaningfull things too.

At newyears midnight we met in the city where his family live, because my friends live there too. That was the time when I told myself : Yes this is THAT boy!

After this half year nothing. We meet every week, at the university and we meet in the evenings too, when he want to sleep with me. He really like me because he told me that but 1 month ago he asked me if I love him.

I told him : "yes, but I know that you don't have that kind of feelings like me" he told that: "It is true"

He is a very kind hearted boy, everyone know this, and he would never do this kind of things with a girl.. (Exept me) He told to my friends that he feels awful and he is angry for himself, because if he would know that a guy doing this to me he would very angry, but right now he is the one who do this.

After we had that conversation the two of us have bad feelings

And I bad at school too, very bad !

Because he helped me a lot to study.

Right now, I have to sork because my parents don't have enough money.

My friens had the finish exams at the university but I have to be here for 3 more years because I have bigger plans. But I can't do them.

I have a great brain, but I don't want to use it. (I learned english 4 years ago, and I don't know how could I write this like you see)

I don't know how to start to study again. I would like to give all my love for the people. To have that boy (he told me that he want to talk with me in this afternoon) I would like to love him.

Right now I have very bad feelings, not because of him, because my school and my family and my friends.

I can't sleep

And don't want to do anything, just lay in my bed, because I feel that here nothing bad happens with me. I'm afraid I will late my life.

2018. jún. 19. 15:27
Sajnos még nem érkezett válasz a kérdésre.
Te lehetsz az első, aki segít a kérdezőnek!

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