A western lovak hogy tudnak megállni hirtelen a vágtából?

Minden ló meg tud állni hirtelen vágtából ha akar.
Hameg a slidingra gondolsz, azt általában tanítják neki, noha mondjuk az én lovam önállóan is megtanulta.

Szerintem előretolják a lábuk és belefeszülnek a nyeregbe.
De ez lehet hogy összetettebb.

Watch the horse's natural ability to come to a sliding stop with a simple two-foot slide. The horse should be able to stop within one stride at command before working on the sliding stop.
Give the command "Whoa!" to the horse while walking, and wait for a fraction of a second.
Relax your body on the horse to give an additional signal that you want to stop.
Apply pressure to the reins for a second, and then set your hand to allow an inch or two of slack. The horse should immediately stop.
Repeat the command and rein work at a slow pace. The horse should perform a short slide while stopping quickly.
Increase your speed gradually. Continue issuing the stop command and setting the reins. When you feel the horse wants to release the stopping action, reset the reins again to inform the horse you want to a sliding stop immediately.
Work on sliding stops with gradual increases in speed for days or weeks until the horse comes to a sliding stop instinctively without much direction from the reins.
Angolul megtaláltam!! Fordítgasd, ha gondolod.

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