Nigériai csalás? Vagy most szándékomon kívül én verek át egy szerencsétlen vevőt?
Elkövettem egy hibát, belementem egy termék külföldre való eladásába, akkor még nem tudtam, hogy hova, most pedig zaklat valaki Nigériából. 100% hogy csalás szerintetek? Mert én már nem tudom, ignorálom egy hete, de zaklat a ,,küldött" pénz miatt.
Annyi az egész történet, hogy egy adok-veszek csoportban (gardrobcsere) jelentkezett egy felrakott balerina cipőre (nem egy drága termék, és mivel van egy icipici hibája, 800 Ft-ért tettem fel, de még mindig jó állapotú). Tóth Kinga volt a regisztrációja. Elsőre fel sem tűnt, hogy gond lehet, angolul e-maileztünk.
Bemásolom az ő írását:
sorry, I have to write in English because I'm more fluent in English, Thank you for your response, I'm so happy to hear from you I agree with your price and I can pay you with bank transfer , either which would be convenient for you. If you want us to proceed, please send me your account information and i'll transfer the money as soon as we
reach an agreement.
Account Holder's name:
Account Number (IBAN):
Bank Name:
Email/Phone number:
Confirm final price:
so once I get the details I'll go ahead with the payment through the bank and Send Money, Pay Online or safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money. I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible and then I will contact my shipping company after receiving the payment. I will need your home address for you to be picked up by the shipping company
(megjegyzés: nem adtam meg címemet)
másik email:
The transfer has been completed.Please check your in-box or junk for payment Confirmation,I am sure you must have see the email from bank with the confirmation email that the payment has been made,a total of 21,800 huf was sent 800 huf for it Purchased and the extra 20,000 huf for the shipping charges and am sure you notice that,which you will be sending 20,000 huf to the address below via world remit and the extra 1,000 huf is the world remit charges.
You will go ahead now ad send the agent money as soon as possible and send the world remit receipt or the information you got from the world remit to bank by replying to the message you received from them and as soon as they verify the world remit details valid, all your funds will clear and activated into your account remit online. You will also have to get back to me with the information below so that i can forward it to bank for verification and as soon as they confirm the information Valid,all your funds will be clear and activated into your account instantly.
Sender's Name
Receiver's Name
world remit Receipt
Amount Sent
Itt láttam meg a spam mappába jött vmi értesítés valóban, mellékelten képküldésen keresztül. Ekkor döbbentem le, hogy Nigériáról van szó. Közben jártam utána, hogy minden jel arra utal, hogy át akarnak verni.
Az utolsó e-mail tőlem:
I'm sorry, but Nigeria? I thought you are in Europe, this shoe is very cheap, and I don't think it is worth the amount of money you are willing to pay for it. It feels really fishy to me. If the amount of the money you sent arrives, which I doubt it will, I will send it back to you, so you don't have to worry about that.
ő tőle azóta ez jött:
You have to go to register and send me the screen shot of the first page so i can give you the procedure
Aztán ez:
I have inform bank about this and i receive a message from them starting that a legal action will be take against you since you refuse play your role in the transaction going on between me and you and now i don't even know what to do because am confuse.So please lets try and sort this out try as much as possible to the money and settle it because i wont like bank taking a brutal action against you... Please check your in-box or junk for Confirmation

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