Jet2-val repülök Angliából Madeirára. Az online check-in során az utazási dokumentumnál meg kell adni a személyi igazolvány típusát (A/C/L). Melyiket kell választanom egy standard magyar személyi igazolvánnyal?
A Jet2 honlapján semmilyen erre vonatkozó információ nincsen.
Van esetleg valaki, aki repült már velük és tudja melyik típus a kiválasztandó?
Előre is köszönöm a válaszokat!

Sok írás van erről, az ostoba britek maguk sem tudják mit jelent ez. Több helyen azt írják mindegy mit választasz, van ahol azt, hogy az A-t kell (talán Adult), szóval szerintem válaszd az A-t, akkor mindkettőnek megfelelsz.
Itt a legbővebb írás a netről:
"I found this site which ~answers your question: [link]
"’s A, C and L type identity cards cause quite some confusion when trying to check-in online. Here is the official answer from customer services about this issue.
I have seen many questions regarding the confusion caused by’s online check-in site where you have to choose between an A, C and L type of identity cards. Now since there is no documentation on the official website about the meaning of these nor is there anything useful to be found elsewhere I have decided to write this article.
After calling’s general enquires phone number (and waiting approximately 3 minutes while going through the automatic menus while being charged at 60 pence per minute) I did ask the a customer service representative about the travel documents and what is the difference between the 3 types. I have explained that I would like to travel within the EU and that they don’t have any information on their website about the ID card options.
The answer was that I can pick ANY of them, whether it will be A, C or L identity card it will not matter, the document and boarding pass will be accepted at the airport.
So if you are in the same situation and don’t know what to do, here is my experience. Also you can call customer services if you want to make everything sure, but I doubt they will tell you anything more. "

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