Illegalis bevandorlokent hazasodhatok/nosulhetek az USA-ban?
The Immigration and Nationality Act allows for an illegal alien who entered the United States lawfully and who is married to a US Citizen, to become a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) and remain in the United States. In such cases, the US Citizen spouse must file a petition on behalf of the illegal alien and then file an for Adjustment of Status using the I-485 Immigration Form. Most likely, under this scenario, the immigration sins of the illegal alien will be forgiven and Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) will be granted.
Where there is a marriage between a US Citizen and a illegal alien, and the illegal alien entered the United States unlawfully, the problem is far more difficult to resolve, but again not impossible. Illegal aliens who enter the United States unlawfully and are later discovered, are removed and barred from returning to the United States for a period of ten years. Unless, they are granted an I-601 Application for Waiver on Grounds of Inadmissibility. To be successful, the US Citizen spouse must file a petition on behalf of the illegal alien and then demonstrate through the I-601 Application for waiver on Grounds of Inadmissibility, extreme hardship. At this time, without a change in the law, for an illegal alien who entered the United States unlawfully, this is the only viable option currently available to become a Legal Permanent Resident.
"es ha az ottelo fel NEM US Citizen, csak Permanent Resident?"
Akkor nem! Az illegálisok csak állampolgárokkal házasodhatnak, zöldkártyásokkal nem!
Osszehazasodhatsz zoldkartyas illetovel, de addig nem kerelmezheted a zoldet, amig a hazastars allampolgarra nem valik!
Es ha a zoldkartyas pl munka vagy lotto altal lett zoldkartyas, akkor ez 5 ev mire polgi lesz.
Ha a zoldkartyas hazassag utjan kapta a zoldkartyajat akkor csak 3 ev, amig allampolgi lesz, de az meg feltuno, ha valaki hazassag utjan zoldet szerez, kivarja az allampolgarsagot, majd elvalik es elvesz valakit!
Aki ESTAval erkezik es statuszmodositast szeretne kerni (mert pl. teszem azt, ferjhez megy/megnosul) az keressen fel egy bevandorlasi ugyvedet, ugyanis van egy torveny. A torveny tiltja ESTAval erkezoknek, hogy statuszmodositast kerjenek. Persze a torveny tudja, hogy meglatni es megszeretni es hazassag, ilyen elofordul, de ebben az esetben nem mindegy h a felek mikor adjak be a zoldkartya kerelmet. Ha az idobol kicsusznak, a kerelmet elutasitjak es a hazastarsnak el kell hagynia az orszagot es a sajat orszagabol intezni a papirokat!
Amennyiben mar illegalis az illeto, igy a fent bemasolt angol szoveg az ervenyes.
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