Valaki átnézné az angol fogalmazásomat?
Dear Mary,
I know you've been suffering from obesity for few yeras ago.I am really happy to hear that you want to loose your weight,I will support you in your desicion.You know,i had the same problem a few year ago,so I can give you some useful tips.Let me allow to point out the most important aspects.
Firt of all,the most important thing is to be on a healthy diet which must contains the major nutrients,such as vitamins,proteins,calories or iron,apart from thid it should be high in vegetables and fruits and with the modest amount of meat.Secondly,you must avoid fattening things and those which contain a lot of carbohydrates for intsatnce sugar,bread,sweets on the ground that you will put on weight at a very short term.If you avoid this foods,I guarentee that you will loose your weight.
However,it is not as easy as it seems,If you want to loos your weight,you must take up a sport on a regular basis,like jogging or you should search from extravagent sports such judo or karate which will occupied you.
You know,you can rely on me and as I was said I will support you,for example if you need a sholuder to cry on,or just somebody to go jogging,give me acall.
Lots of love,

Nincs sok időm, csak belekotorásznék, esetleg jobb angolos által az enyém is korrigálásra szorul.
Amelyik mondathoz nem nyúltam, azokat kihagytam!
I know you've been suffering from obesity a few years ago.
(a"for few years" időszakot jelentene).
I am really happy to hear that you want to loose some weight, I support you in this decision.
First of all,the most important thing is to be on a healthy diet, which must contain the major nutrients,such as vitamins,proteins,calories and minerals,apart from this it should be high in vegetables and fruits and with the modest amount of meat. (a zöldsége-húsos rész nekem fura, de szerintem nem hibás)
Secondly,you must avoid fattening things and those which contain a lot of carbohydrates as sugar,bread,sweets, these can make you put on weight quickly.
However,it is not as easy as it seems.
If you want to loose some weight,you must practice a sport on a regular basis,like jogging or you should search from extravagent sports such judo or karate which you prefer.
You know,you can rely on me and as I said I will support you.
For example if you need a shoulder to cry on,or just somebody to go jogging with,give me a call.
Jó látni, hogy nem csak én cserélem fel a betűket gépeléskor. :)
Nagyon hosszú mondatokat használsz, nem tanultál németet korábban?

Szerintem kerüld a hosszú, többszörösen összetett mondatokat, csak plusz nyelvtani nehézségeket csinálsz vele magadnak. És rontja az olvashatóságot.
A német azért jutott eszembe, mert ott gyakori az ilyen kilométeres körmondat, aminek csak utolsó szavából derül ki, miről is van szó. :)
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