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Melyik tudományág foglalkozik a Déjá vu érzéssel?

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Nagyon érdekel a téma és szeretném egy kicsit mélyebben megismerni a lényegét. Esetleg tudtuk erről szóló tudományos munkákat?
2012. szept. 11. 17:01
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

Brown AS (2004): The déjà vu experience. New York: Psychology Press. (angolul)

Chester M (1978): Particles: An Introduction to Particle Physics. MacMillan, New York. (angolul)

Comfort A (1977): Homuncular identity-sense as a déjà vu phenomenon. British Journal of Medical Psychology 50:313-315. (angolul)

Dewitt B.S., Graham N (1973): The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. A Fundamental Exposition. Princeton University Press. (angolul)

Efron R (1963): Temporal perception, aphasia and déjà vu. Brain 86 (angolul)

Funkhouser AT (1983a): A historical review of déjà vu. Parapsychological Journal of South Africa 4(1):11-24. (angolul)

Funkhouser AT (1983b): The dream theory of déjà vu. Parapsychological Journal of South Africa 4(2) 107-123. (angolul)

Fox JW (1992): The structure, stability, and social antecedents of reported paranormal experiences. Sociological Analysis 53(4):417-431. (angolul)

Hawthorne N (1863): Our Old Home. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston. (angolul)

Jackson J.H. (1888): ‘A particular variety of epilepsy “intellectual aura”, one case with symptoms of organic brain disease’. Brain 11:179-207. (angolul)

Jung CG (1966): On synchronicity. Collected Works, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press, Vol. 8, par. 973. (angolul)

LaPlante E (1993): Seized. New York: Harper Collins. (angolul)

Lockwood M (March, 1994):’The quantum physics of time travel’. Scientific American. (angolul)

McCready WC, Greeley AM (1976): The Ultimate Values of the American Population. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. (angolul)

Neppe V (1983): The Psychology of Déjà Vu. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. (angolul)

Ryback D, Sweitzer L (1988): Dreams That Come True, Ballantine Books, New York. (angolul)

Scott, W (1815): Guy Mannering or The Astrologer. J. Ballantyne & co. Edinburgh. (angolul)

Von Feuchtersleben E Freiherr (1845): Lehrbuch der ärztlichen Seelenkunde [Textbook of Medical Psychology] Vienna: C. Gerold Verlag (németül)

Weinaud ME, Hermann B, Wyler AR, Carter LP, Oommen KJ, Labiner D, Ahern G, Herring A (1994): Long-term subdural strip electrocorticographic monitoring of ictal déjà vu. Epilepsia 35:1054-1059. (angolul)


2012. szept. 11. 23:38
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