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Mi a véleményetek Truman elnökről?

Figyelt kérdés

2021. máj. 19. 21:51
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 11/11 anonim ***** válasza:

LeMay tábornok, a nem-nukleáris bombázás hadistene, kb fél millió civil japánt égetett hamuvá addigra, de az atombombát azt nem találta szükségesnek. :D

No de mit mondanak a japánok:

On 30 June 2007, Japan's defense minister Fumio Kyūma said the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan by the United States during World War II was an inevitable way to end the war. Kyūma said: "I now have come to accept in my mind that in order to end the war, it could not be helped (shikata ga nai) that an atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and that countless numbers of people suffered great tragedy."

In 1959, Mitsuo Fuchida, the pilot who led the first wave in the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, met with General Paul Tibbets, who piloted the Enola Gay that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and told him that:

You did the right thing. You know the Japanese attitude at that time, how fanatic they were, they'd die for the Emperor ... Every man, woman, and child would have resisted that invasion with sticks and stones if necessary ... Can you imagine what a slaughter it would be to invade Japan? It would have been terrible. The Japanese people know more about that than the American public will ever know.

Nyilván pár magyar jobban tudja azt, amin a történészek hatvanvalahány éve vitatkoznak. :D

2021. máj. 30. 11:07
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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