Írnátok angolul egy 130 szavas fogalmazást azzal a címmel, hogy a pénz nem boldogít?

A 130 dodó nem is rossz ötlet! :D

Én most speciel még magyarul sem...
De itt van néhány kérdés, olvasgass, aztán már csak le kell fordítanod, ami neked szimpatikus. :D
Persze szívesen. Akkor elkezdem, nagyjából leírom aztán megszámolom.
While it's commonly believed that wealth equates to happiness, this notion is far from the truth. Money, at its core, is but a piece of paper— a creation of society vested with value. It represents an illusion, fostering the belief that its accumulation leads to joy. However, happiness is not found within the tangible or material. It eludes the basic elements of perception, feeling, and thought, which money influences. These are mere phenomenological aspects that cannot harbor true contentment.
True happiness stems from a fourth element—consciousness. This consciousness is the awareness of the other three aspects (perception, feeling, and thought) without being entangled in them. It is within this space of pure awareness and mindfulness that one finds genuine joy and satisfaction, untouched by the ephemeral nature of financial wealth.
Contrary to the relentless pursuit of wealth, happiness flourishes in the simplicity of being, in connections with others, and in the moments that money cannot create or destroy. It is a profound realization that the essence of contentment lies not in external acquisitions but in internal peace and enlightenment. This understanding liberates individuals from the chains of material pursuit, guiding them towards a path of true fulfillment, where happiness is not an illusion but a reality, nourished by the soul's connection to consciousness itself.
Bocsánat 192 szó lett, akkor vegyél ki 62 szót belőle.
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